To all the "nice guys" out there...

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by KronicBoom, Jan 22, 2012.

  1. Ever wonder why those cute, attractive chicks seem to don't notice you? Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe these aren't the "nice girls"? That they're just the same superficial assholes that they're always complaining about, yet can't seem to get away from? Think about it, the perfect girl for you isn't gonna be that hot chick that you can show off to all your friends because then that would make you just like any other one of those assholes.

    After working on my image and sociability for a while, I've been able to get with a couple of these superficial girls cause I thought that's what I wanted, the hot girlfriend that people would envy. The past couple short relationships have made me realize that I could care less if these kinda girls notice me, instead, I want a girl who will like me for me. Yeah, these aren't gonna be the really attractive ones but they will be the worthwhile ones. I can tell you that the deepest, most meaningful relationship I've ever had was the quite indy girl that no one paid any attention to.

    So stop chasing after those girls that will end up "friend zoning" you and find a girl that actually matters and understands you.
  2. I stopped chasing women long ago. I prefer it the other way around ;)
  3. Story of my life bro.

    Find the real ones, although few, they are out there.
  4. I feel you, I feel like I've got a lot to offer if someone would just give me a chance :wave:
  5. A wise man told me, focus on your career instea of chasing women.

    Once career is established and you are now a man able to provide, good women will recognize this chase you.

    Ever seen an old wealthy ugly dude with a young hot chick? Guess why.

    Not saying go look for a hottest young chick, but THAT man can choose ;)
  6. Oh, the pain of misplaced love.
  7. Why do people make it seem like anyone who isn't a twit can't be attractive? My friends have had girlfriends that were bombshells and they were the most down to earth females imaginable. Yes, there are a lot of people who feel they deserve a "pass GO and collect 200 card" simply because they are good looking but I truly do feel that a few rotten apples spoils the bunch. Not to be full of hubris or anything but I have had a lot of females come up to me and say I'm hot or cute or handsome or whatever. Do I let it get to me? No. My self-confidence is sky high because I know I'm attractive, though. Am I considered a "nice guy"? Maybe. I guess it depends on context. If you were to ask several of my female friends, I'm sure they'd say yes but I'm not a pushover. To that guy I beat up last weekend for talking shit, maybe not so much.

    Anyway, what I'm getting at here is to say that a girl or guy can't be attractive and "nice" at the same time is cutting a lot of people out because it simple isn't true. Why would you settle for anything less than what you can get just because you believe a lot of people fit an unrealistic preconceived notion?
  8. i like what ammo said, reminds me of scarface

    "In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women."

    even though those women are likely to be of those superficial bitches we are talking about but still lol
  9. You just figured that out eh? :hello::smoke:
  10. Example A: Hugh Hefner
    Example B: Donal Trump
    Example C: Bill Clinton
  11. Im a nice guy unless they fuck with me. I wish I would find a nice girl thats like me but honestly after my last relationship I dont think I can unconditionally love someone the way I used to... She fucked everything up and she thought of my v-card like it was an actual card

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