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To all the Donnie Darko fans....

Discussion in 'Movies' started by purplenuggets, Sep 25, 2009.

  1. #1 purplenuggets, Sep 25, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2009
    I just watched this movie again for the 15th time, and I noticed somehting absolutely groundbreaking: Seth Rogen had a small part in this movie. This may have been obvious to just about anyone, but I was completely amazed when I saw it. He plays the bully #2 character just so you know.


    There he is ^^^

    A great first start for him if I must say so myself, even if his first line was "Hey, I like your boobs."
  2. Ha nice find
  3. Considering how many times Ive seen Donnie Darko I cant believe i missed that! Thanks!:wave:
  4. I haven't watched Donnie Darko since the big Seth Rogan hype has come alive, but I don't think I would have even noticed it now. Good find.
  5. Lol i noticed that the first time cause he was funny as hell when he played the bully in the movie

    Hey, porky pig, I hope you get molested
  6. #6 Jag, Sep 26, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2009
    Yeah I noticed him the first time I saw Donnie Darko, but back then I knew him as Ken from Freaks and Geeks. I thought it was crazy that he was the one that got really big from that show. I mean Jason Segel and James Franco are both pretty famous but not quite as known as Seth Rogen.
  7. This is one of my favourite films of all time, and i noticed him 2nd time I saw it.
    Just out of curiosity, Has anyone seen S.Darko? I've heard awful reviews and I sometimes dont like spoiling films by watching shitty sequels...
  8. To be completely honest S. Darko was shit. It is not worth watching if you are a true lover of the original film. The only good thing about that movie is the two hot chicks, one being the little sis from the original movie. It ruined a great movie for me, whoever wrote it didn't intend to keep their watchers thinking, they just kill the story at the ending. Overall I would give S. Darko a 2/10.
  9. yeah dude i saw him like the 3 or 4th time i watched it. i was shocked it was actually seth rogen lol. and yeah i watched s.darko and it was decent but Jag your right the girls were the only reason to watch it.
  10. S. Darko was a weak attempt to cash in on the franchise. Richard Kellu didn't have any say in the film........

    i lost a little bit of respect for the movie after watching the directors cut though, seems like they wanted it to be more sci-fi than it was mysterious- which is what i enjoyed about it most other than the characters..............

    i think david lynch does the best job in the mysterious/abstract department th0
  11. How could you say Jason Segel is bigger than Seth Rogen?! Segel has HIMYM but Rogen has a shit ton more films under his belt. dont get me wrong all three of those guys are more or less heroes of mine, smokin lots of weed, makin baller movies and shows, ahh the lives they must lead.
  12. I think he means that Seth Rogan IS more well known than Jason Segel, I bet there was supposed to be an "n" at the end of "know".
  13. I didn't notice that, pretty cool. Seth Rogan is the shit! :smoke:
  14. GJ, i think you are correct but i think james franco is more well known than Rogen. Franco has had a few more serious drama roles. a little more mainstream.
  15. S. Darko was complete trash. Destoryed the franchise. I think there is supposed to be a second sequel and I for one don't want to watch it.
  16. Yes I did mean to say known not know I just corrected it :p

    I don't know... Seth is pretty big right now. I think that before Knocked Up James Franco was definitely bigger especially due to the Spider-Man role he played. After Pineapple Express I think that they pretty much came to a tie in fame. But if Spider-Man 4 is any good Franco will definitely get more recognition.
  17. Oh yeh Seth Rogen writes for some new Simpson episodes too
  18. Wow really?
  19. damn i dont remember that
    i need to get a new copy of that movie mines fucked up

    did anyone see Southland Tales by the same person?
  20. As far as S. Darko don't get too excited if you haven't seen it. The story was complete shit. I thought it had kinda a cool feel to it at least in terms of cameras angles, direction ect. But when that's the only positive thing to talk about you know it's just a shitty movie overall.

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