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To all of the people who as "Do I Qualify"?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Caribbeanbreeze, Sep 20, 2009.

  1. #1 Caribbeanbreeze, Sep 20, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 20, 2009
    There has been an outbreak of people asking "Do I qualify for MMJ here?" or "Can I get a MMJ card in a state that doesn't have a MMJ program?".

    People on GC don't know the extent of your medical conditions. We don't know how long you have had this so-called condition. And finally, we don't know the god damn laws like the back of our hand. So we sure as hell can't tell you whether or not you should, or could, get a card.

    If you're already on GC, your a big boy or big girl (or at least supposed to be), so do some research on the topic. is a great place to start. They list all of the states and all of the laws regarding MMJ and just regular MJ laws. Almost all of your questions can be answered here.

    Any other questions? Google it. Or use the search function.
    I can guarantee that somebody else has had that exact same question.
    Even wikipedia has gotten more current on the information that they put out on MJ. You're on the internet, you have information from all around the world at the click of a button...

    Lets save thread space for the important topics of MMJ. Reform, research, etc..

    Enjoy your day :bongin:
  2. #2 tharedhead, Sep 21, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 21, 2009
    (random blather off the top of my head follows)

    (shhhh!) I make a living off of people being unable to do their own medical research.;) Do you realize there are people who sign up to pay medical sites and fork over their credit card info to ask simple questions like "what is the treatment for gout?":p

    I don't expect the MMJ community would be a lot different from the general internet using populace?

    In many cases, people are unable to correctly formulate medical questions to search on because they are so used to health care professionals managing their care-many people do not even understand their diagnosis (the doctor mutters something and hands them a pill). So how can they fit what little they understand about their disease process to the rather nebulous and confusing state MMJ laws?

    MMJ is often people's first foray into taking control of their healthcare-and treating themselves. Something our entire medical industry finds despicable. Not to mention frightening. After all, the health care professional is supposed to be some God Like Being who dictates to the lowly patient what is best for them. Get rid of that and have the patient realize that six years of medical school basically teaches you how to exploit insurance companies for maximum gain and the uncaring, profit motivated healthcare system as it now stands will fail. The chronic pain patient, especially, is completely at the doctor's mercy. People suffer enough guilt and fear when they need standard medical pain management. As soon as you sign the pain management contract you're a "junkie" you're morally inferior because you can't deal with your pain, tough it out and "pull yourself up by your bootstraps". The guilt hits like a ton of bricks. You become suspect as a potential drug diverter. You become marginalized and dehumanized.You have to pee in a cup in front of a nurse every month. Living daily with the knowledge that if you do anything the least bit wrong you can be cut off and left to die in agony. People with long term intractable pain often lapse into a state of "learned helplessness" because they see no alternatives. Also, pain can destroy your memory and reasoning ability.
    Chronic Pain May Dim Memory

    And, of course, this site has a bunch of kids who just want to smoke pot at college, too, but that's understandable.:D

    Excuse my derranged blather...(goes back to write more about allopurinol)

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