I'm trying to change my diet, and i've heard 6 small meals a day is the way to go, as it speeds up your metabolism. My question is, what kinds of foods do you guys eat or try to stay away from? I've heard you shouldn't eat anything that comes in a package.
I Refuse To Drink Soda. Only Fresh Fruit Smoothies Or 100% Juice. I Drink A Gallon Of Water A Day. It Keeps My Metabolism Running Smooth And Acts Like A Filter. Limit Your Fast Food As Much As Possible. Cook From Scratch As Much As Possible.
yes good start you have it right. 6 meals a day is the way to go. keeps your body running while burning off fat. 1lb of fat = 3500 calories ****not per day there is a certain number of calories everyone needs to run per day. some its 1200 other can be up to 10 000 .... so you find that number, exampole 3000. then everyday if you eat 500 cals smaller then that (2500) you will lose a pound of FAT a week. its not so much eating healthy as it is getting under your caloric intake. so keep that under control and you are good. i would avoid anything processed food with alot of sugar/carbs.
Stick with whole grains such as brown rice and/or wheat bread. These carbs make you feel full longer and help regulate insulin levels.
Fresh foods and fresh produce is reccomended too, right? What kinds of meat do you guys buy from the store? I live in an appartment by myself, and i'm new to it, so Im unsure of how much food to buy from the store at once because I dont wanna stock up on perishables and have them go bad before I can finish them.
i'll post a more thorough explanation later but for now, just as a general rule - if it doesn't come directly from a living organism: animal, fish or plant, you shouldn't eat it. The FDA requires food products on the market to be made from only 50% real food, the other 50% is binders, extenders, preservatives, chemicals and in some cases fuckin cardboard. Btw, the FDA is working to lower this requirement to 20% which they feel is more "reasonable" and "better for business".
idk shit about healthy dieting but as long as you dont have excess calories, and get all your nutrients your good... and drink alotta water.. i eat about 5 big meals a day, and snack between them and drink almost all water, orange juice, and whisky.. and smoke hella weed. and im healthy =0
depends on your fitness goals... but a good rule of thumb to follow is eat veggies, grill to cook your meat, try to avoid soft drinks, try to avoid excess carbs. Some carbs are good for you, as they are your body preferred fuel for energy, but dont take it overboard, or you will gain weight quickly. Take a multi, and drink plenty of water but yes, i eat 6 meals a day, keeps your metabolism revved up throughout the day, and you feel better eating smaller portions (you never get that miserable feeling that happens after a huge meal)
Well i'm trying to not only look better inside, but outside as well, and i'm pursuing a diet that will help me reach those goals. I've always been a workout freak, but I feel as if i'm not reaching my goals due to my poor eating habits
You dont need a lightswitch beside him to tell that. You can see it in his chest/stomach ratio. As for a tip. Run.
I avoid fast food, excess cheese/topings, anything with High Fructose Corn Syrup in it. Limit MSG intake. Try to buy food organically and keep to local grown food. Keep food as raw as possible. ONLY DRINK WATER. You will be surprised by how much of a difference this makes. I also try to eat my hamburgers protein style. Start eating more fruits and vegetables, but make sure your varying your nutrients. It may seem complicated at first but after changing my outlook on my health many of these things are just second nature. I'm always reading the backs of food packages. Another thing I want to add is listen to your body. If your craving a food, there's probably a reason. Moderation is key !
HAHAHAHA. HAHASHAHA. man as someone standing in at 6'3 its very unfair at the BEGINNING stages when building muscles because the shorter kids look way more ripped. but it doesnt matter that much and once a tall person gets big arms its wayyy better and can still pull off a lean look too. funny though
Thanks brah, and yup, its definitely my chest/stomach ratio Whats with all the haters on GC? Its supposed to be about peace and love lol, not trying to put others down. And FYI i'm 5'10 lol, so if you consider that short as hell, then you need to get your head checked.
Diet is the most important aspect. I actually used to be really fat, which you can tell on my lower abs, my belly button is kinda weird-- thats just loose skin bunched up. It used to be a lot worse, but as the abs fill in slowly, it will get back to normal. Anyways, diet is the most important.. I keep my diet in check with a traditional 40/40/20 macronutrient ratio, meaning 40% of my calories come from proteins, another 40% from complex carbs, and 20% from good fats. On a cut I do 2100 calories a day and cardio 3 times a week with weights 5 times a week, and to bulk I do the same but up the calories to 3100 a day. Thats the gist of it. If you want me to go more into detail or need help with anything, feel free to shoot me a PM.