Tired of seeing these posts...

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by RudimentaryPeni, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. (couldnt decide if this belongs in the general or life stories section..its kinda both)

    Just something i think might help some people

    It always sucks to get caught doing something you know your parents would get pissed about, especially when you know that if the government didnt lie to everyone in the 30's about cannabis, we would never have stories about parents "catching you smoke the devil weed." With that being said, i have parents who were against weed, and grew up around the 60's which just added fuel to the fire of lies. I began doing research of my own on the truth of cannabis years and years ago. im someone who thrives for learning anything i can, in turn opening my mind to a point where life is just so simple to me (as far as understanding it goes at least) and its of course depressing to see the worlds ignorance. even though i understand that i live in a time where the truth about so many things including weed is twisted and distorted for the general public, i refused to just lie on my back and give up. While i respect my parents stance as it is their household, I, over time have changed their outlook on it. It took time but the biggest thing i had going for me is that i really knew what i was talking about, was able to cite sources and didnt come up with shit like "weeds ok for you cuz its a plant not a drug mom duhh." If people really want to give a fair shot at changing those ridiculous "i got caught" situations around in the long run, then i highly suggest you really learn about what you are putting into your body, and support it enough to where you have every aspect of the truth set in stone with yourself first. i was able to lift the cloud of ignorance on my parents by showing them the truth myself. presenting actual scientific research and explaining in depth how hemp used to be americas cash crop and is one of the biggest reasons why it is still today illegal. while my parents wont let me smoke around them or in their house(which is fine with me), i have shown them that im not a drug addict, i know how to be mature and prioritize things like recreational drug use, and that in the end, they were told a huge domino effect lie and it really opened their eyes. i got down to a point where there was just no room for argument on their side. now, im not doubting anyones intellect here, all im saying is for the people who go about weed not knowing much more than it gets you high, you can smoke it, and if parents caught you you wouldnt have anything to say but ohh..shit, if you really want to be taken seriously on anything you have to prove to the problem you know your shit. and that goes for everything in life. nothing can change if you dont get up and stand up for what you do and who you are. if i could get people like my anti drug parents to believe the truth, it can be done. i have accumulated about 8 years research on what cannabis really is, and its funny to know that if it wasnt for the dirty politics being played in the 30's and the moronic believers back then, cannabis would just be another herb on the shelf in the health store. the major source of food,fuel,clothing...and so on. oh and an amazing natural medicine. it would be viewed as a light drug if anyhting when you really see what other herbs are out there and how intense they can be..especially how ironic it is that they are legal. so im rambling on about facts here, but i just love knowledge and have a passion for cannabis as many of you here do as well. if you already knew all this, props to you, but if you didnt*said in that jello biafra demeanor*...learn. never give up on anything you do and be smarter than the people attacking your beliefs and lifestyle. you will be surprised with the outcome.
  2. Paragraphs would help A LoT.
  3. GIANT PARAGRAPH!!!!!!!!!

    Seriously ill read it in the morning when I can see it...
  4. grammatical structure is not something i care much for. whether it was in correct paragraph form or not, its still just as long as it is
  5. #5 tharedhead, Jan 24, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2010
    Much truth in massive wall of text, grasshopper...

  6. Once you've been caught I agree with the OP that you should totally come clean and try to present a convincing argument in favor of marijuana.

    However, I would never have the nerve to talk to my parents about my pot use unless they confronted me about it. Even though I don't live at home I still fear my parents finding out. Not 100% sure why:confused_2:
  7. haha thank you i appreciate that. yeah..im not one to care much for structure as i stated. i can see how it might annoy some people though. just the way i am.
  8. you got that e.e.cummings thang goin' on:)
  9. haha good way of putting it
  10. "Tired of seeing these posts" is the name of your title. You have 8 posts... Just sayin
  11. great googly moogly im not reading that:eek:
  12. /wall of text attacks
    /wall of text hit thread for 3467 (Critical hit) damage.
    /thread dies (Overkill)

  13. I definitely know what you mean. My grandma was extremely anti-pot, even when she was raising her own set of kids. When she first found out that my brother smoked weed, she called the cops on him.. almost daily. When she found out that I smoked weed, she freaked out and was so disappointed, looking at me like I was doing heroin or something. But over the course of say, 6 months, she's loosened up TREMENDOUSLY. I've been feeding her information, explaining to her why it was illegalized and what people use it for now. I even told her which of my friends smoked, and they are all people that she's seen as completely responsible people that are heading in the right direction in life.

    And, just to add this in here, I got her to try a little bit of a hashbar yesterday, and told her the difference between body highs and head highs. She seemed pretty open to it, so maybe one of these days we'll chow on some brownies together.

    It's totally possible to help people open their minds if you know what you're talking about and present it in a respectful manner.
  14. Dude I totally agree to you, i hate seeing all these threads titled "Got caught by my parents" or "Ways of not getting caught by your parents" (Was quite fascinating looking at what lengths people take to hide it). If you smoke weed you better realize that there isn't anything bad with it. Any bad effects you have is from because of something else. Because of this you should of no reason of hiding it from your family.

    If your family loves you and your a smart person you should be able to convince your parents of the truth. Because it is the truth, so it shouldn't be that difficult to prove it. Its way harder showing evidence of the other side.

    Open relationships with your family are good, if you tell them the truth then they will respect you for it, and trust you. If you smoke weed and they ask you what you were doing and you say smoke weed they will probably respect you more. If you say nothing and its obvious that the place is reeking of weed and your eyes are all fucked up, they will probably be pissed off.

    Most cases parents get more mad because you are lying to them. Though i would only recommend doing this when it comes to weed. If your trying to push other things like drinking or other drugs then good luck because those things are usually bad.

    I have also noticed a couple things, most parents that are totally anti-weed have never tried it. So you can always counter with "You have never tried it so how do you know what it does to you". Most parents that have smoked it know that it isn't actually bad.

    Paragraphs are so nice. :D:smoking:
  15. I'm tired of seeing post where someone doesn't know what a fuckin paragraph is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    you know?:D
  16. lets sum up this thread...

  17. ive tried to tell my parents its alright and there only comeback is its illegal, i tear them up anytime we have an arguement, my parents drink everynight if that puts anything into perspective..

    i think alcohol makes people dumb, and i just consider my parents close minded alcoholics.
  18. Agree, whenever my parents have been drinking they usually get made at me for being high. You can't really comment back as they will not listen and get even madder because they are drunk. Next morning they wake up happy and nice.

    You can counter this by telling them whenever you drink your a different person, whenever I smoke I am still myself.
  19. yeah, i do. and you dont need an account to view this forum.
  20. yeah. you come to a point in your life where you get to make your own choices and should be respected for them regardless of what others believe. mutual respect is needed to actually be mature and well thinking adults. to the parents who just try and cut off any response on the users behalf, that is immature on their part. it may take time but if you commit to learning about it, it really can pay off. i just viewed it like, i dont want to lose my relationship with part of my family over something that shouldnt even be happening, and i dont want to be insulted and have the finger pointed at me because of false information that was taught to some about my personal choice, espeically adding insult to injury by not even looking at both sides in turn tainting the lie they believe and forever turning a blind eye to truth. and its great to actually feel the stronger bond in a relationship instead of leeching onto the immitation of societies family functionality and happiness like a good portion of the world does.

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