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Tired of Moochers

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by GanjaP, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. Hey everyone,

    In my group of friends I'm almost always the one who provides the weed and I never ask for money in return. Some of my friends appreciate it and will buy me munchies or let us chill at their house and thats fine. But a couple of my friends have never payed me a dime for any of the weed I provide them. This used to not bother me but lately I've noticed that my stash has been shrinking quickly and as all of you know, weed isn't cheap.

    So my question is, is it generally acceptable to ask the people you're smoking out to pitch in either money or weed? Or am I just going to look like an ass?
  2. just say youdont haveenough to smoke everyone out allthetime and letthem know they gotta pitch or they arent getting high..
  3. i smoke my one buddy up he brings me to get weed i dont have a car atm i always smoke him up but everyone else i ask to half pack or give me some cash for another bag
  4. I don't mind smoking people out unless they a) torch all my weed, b) act like they smoke all of the time but really have no idea what they're doing (I don't care if you're not experienced, I'm just tryna smoke and chilll :smoke: ), or c) smoke my weed, but if I ask them for a favor they dont do it.

    Reminds me of this morning when the girl I smoke out frequently/drive to school (and I never her ask for money) almost didn't give me a piece of gum when I asked for one after we smoked because she only had two pieces left. Rude. :rolleyes:

    But whatever. If someone offers me some money I'll usually take it. But I never ask people for money, even though sometimes I think I should. I think if you want to ask your friends to pitch in just be like "We can smoke but do you think you can throw in like $5? I'm running low on cash/weed." Just tell them whats upp, I'm sure they'll understand
  5. I always smoke my friends up. Even if I'm down to my last gram and a bro comes to my house and asks for to chill I'll bust up a sesh in a second. But if you start to lose your buzz around your freinds for whatever reason just say that running low on bud and ask if anyone wants to pitch. Plus I alawys save myself a gram of weed whenever I buy a quarter and smoke everyone up with the rest. But you can do whatever you think is right.
  6. I used to be in your same situation. I would always pitch most if not all my money on a sack and smoke all of it with my homies. Nowadays my #1 rule is no $ no toke...:laughing:
    To be honest people shouldn't be smoking weed if they don't have money for it.
  7. You shouldnt expect them to pay you for bud if you always smoked them down without them giving you anything in return.

    I know its the wrong thing to do but its like if you give a dog a treat when you ring a bell, whenever you ring that bell they expect a treat

    In your case, whenever they came over, they expected a free sesh and hell anything free is good.

    What i would do is just straight up not smoke them out anymore. Even if they are with the people who do buy you munchies and other stuff, i wouldnt feel weird smoking out the people who get you stuff compared to the moochers who dont.

    And if they bitch about it, theres your chance to call them out on how they dont buy shit for you or even smoke you out. But most likely they wont, because they will realize what a good situation they had in you smoking them out, but now its gone because they decided to be moochers.

    Good luck! And always remember, ask yourself if its worth it to have these people as "friends" sometimes when you look back and see the shit they did to/for you, you really see their true colors
  8. Ive been that guy who never has any money or weed, but now its the opposite way around you will find that with true friends what goes around comes around. They wont forget that you smoked em up. I did know one guy who kept a change jar on his table and people would throw whatever loose change they had into it.
  9. WTF man general rule you always bring weed to the smoke sesh. If not, you always smoke them up next time. Just don't smoke em out.
  10. Just say your out of weed and ask everyone if they will chip in money to buy some. Always works.
  11. Oh some friends do things for you and you smoke em out, but some man you gotta them to loosen them pockets and start buying there own bud or to chip in. Makes no sense to not have weed when you should. Your being to nice.
  12. Just stop bringing weed. Simple as that. Let them figure out how to get a bag for a change. If they ask where the weed's at tell them that you like smoking out with them but they need to provide smoke just as much as you do.

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