Tips To Not Get Caught By Parents

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by sCaKmY, Feb 20, 2005.

  1. Find a really, really good stash spot. I have this old teddy bear sitting in my closet (decent sized) and cut a hole in it's ass and I shove everything up there. The fur is long enough on it that it covers the hole so even if my mom decided to randomly clean my closet or pick up the bear, she still won't find it. I have my small glass pipe up there, a small metal pipe, my stash, and an additional container. I put the additional container and pipe into the legs of the bear because I never use them, and the glass pipe and stash container in the middle part.

    I hide everything else in plain sight. I have a candle in my room so I have the lighter next to the candle. I told my mom I was getting bad allergies so I have my eyedrops on my dresser. I keep febreeze on my window sill because every so often our useless old cat shits in my room if I leave the door open. So basically if you can think of a reason/excuse to keep one of the things in plain sight, do it. What's more suspicious, finding eyedrops and/or a lighter on your dresser or finding them shoved into the backside of your guitar amp? Your parents aren't stupid. If they find something that could be used for smoking in a hidden spot, they're gonna know. If they find it out in the open and you can offer a logical explanation for why it's there, they aren't going to think anything of it.

    also, old prescription bottles are excellent for holding your stash. They completely eliminate all smell.
  2. I'm not sure if this one has already been posted, but what I use to do was, I go in to my bathroom, and open my window. I turn on my shower lightly so it is cold, just so my folks think im showering, then when I have finished smoking, I lower the water for a quick sec, put body wash or some kind of soap on the floor, then put the shower on high blast so it gets really hot, the soap scent gets in the bathroom, then you can take a quick shower too :D. Or if no one is home this is just a good way to hide the scent. :smoke:
  3. good tips :3
    luckily my parents don't bug me about me smoking in the house
    for sure invest in a small piece.. it comes in handy
  4. drill a small hole at the very top-most area of a door, preferably in a low-traffric area, put your stash in a small weed bag, put in hole and put masking tape on top. Not convinient, can't store large amouts, but very hard for anyone else to find your stash.

  5. Oh and yes, lightbulb vapes are a god to have if your stelth smoking. I get high every-night, my parents don't have a clue. ZERO smell :)
  6. first off, try not to toke up in your room if you don't have to- go for a walk outside, go to a friends, etc...but if you wind up resorting to it (which i've been getting bad with, admittedly), then consider the following:

    - If your room is underneath something- patio, door, window
    The smoke will rise and anyone who steps outside will smell right away (or if a window, blow right in). if your parents are outdoors alot or smoke cigs, be extremely careful of making sure no one is out there. i disregarded this once and blew weed smoke out the window and my mom came on the patio a few minutes after to smoke a cig. got caught.

    - What you'll do with the smoke/smell
    If you can't use the window the constant use of axe, if you're not going out or no one is coming over, may be a little suspicious. insense are good if your parents won't get suspicious about that, honestly that kills the smell the best. the tubes with the dryer sheets, lets out ALOT of smoke and has a weird hybrid axe and pot smoke smell. blowing into the closet, into a shirt, blanket, or pillowcase, good if no one comes to get laundry in your room and bad

    - Hiding spots
    I haven't had to worry about this much, my parents don't go through my room much. but don't go with all the cliche spots, be inventive. somewhere not too hard to get to, but you know your parents won't have the thought, or desire, to rummage through.
    i'm a musician, if you have a guitar/bass stack the cabinets have backs that usually pop open with a few screws. my favorite hiding spot ever, just sucks when you go to jam somewhere and have to take stuff out.

    - Don't change
    If you're usually energetic and happy around the house, stay that way when you're high. try to act how you normally are, without overdoing it. try not to make sparradic moves or eye contact. just move about naturally.
    don't blow off plans you have. and if you don't like being around people that aren't your stoner buddies when you're high then just plain avoid smoking before you see them.

    - The weather -
    If you live in a place where weather is always different and changing, then you can use that to your advantage. cooler days with less humidity doesn't "hold" the smell in the air as much as it would on a hot, humid day.
    rainy days keep the smell off your clothes better then when it's sunny.

    - Detection
    I always forget eyedrops, and it always is what i'm worried about the most. my eyes get red and chinese. put drops in before you smoke, i've noticed that works the best. in addition to one quick drop in each eye after you smoke and making sure your eyes, eyelashes, and cheeks are dry. i heard Rohto eyedrops work good, but is believed to be bad for your eyes after using them too long. Visine makes a red-eye drop.
    if you get chinese eyes, then i don't really know. if someone has any tips on that, please send them in. this one is what gets alot of people i know.
    i am always listening to music in my room, so it's not suspicious when i have music loud to cover the sound of lighters, bubblers, coughing, or friends being loud.
    have food and drinks ready in your room before you smoke, it will help with your breath and, depending on what it is, will help cover up some of the smell in the room.

    - Pre-plan
    I have found this to be most effective, just find out what's going on around the house that day. parents going out for a movie later? everyone going to bed early? trip to the grocery store in the afternoon? you'll know when you'll have a chance to toke, and how much time you'll have. and you know what, having a set time when you know you'll be able to grab your stash, sit down, relax and light up with no worries will give you something to look forward to, and make the session that much better.
  7. man the chineses eyes<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
  8. Your parents honestly won't care if you smoke weed as long as you obey their every fucking command.
  9. Lmao my eyes get so damn squinty, sometimes my friends think I am asleep
  10. thats what i do only i chopped up a big old chunk of deoderant and folded it up in a bandana and put it into the tupperware container, so when i open it it doesent smell like strait dank
  11. WIN, im lucky my mom works in an optimology section of a hospital and my eyes get blazing red when i go in the pool, soo i get special medical eyedrops that seem to help with chineese eyes and get rid of the redness on contact, they help epicly
  12. lol i do the exact same thing but the one day i didnt was the day my mom decided to search my bag wen i got home i lost all my stuff :(
  13. There needs to be a "How to not get caught growing by parents" thread, like, asap! I needs it man! :D
  14. [​IMG]
    on some bass guitars, there will be these little screw on covers on the back, and when you unscrew it, theres a little space for a pipe, papers, maybe even a little baggy or film canister of green. its my spot of choice!
  15. well what i do is when im sober a lot of times ill act like im kind of high and out of it, so when i really am high they just think thats how i normally am.
  16. I do this too, it works really well. I act like a weirdass around my parents like 40% of the time so when I say dumb things when I'm high or act weird it's nothing out of the normal as far as they know.
  17. dont smoke at home if your not aloud to. why so hard?
  18. Really? Take a poop and roll some joints and my parents will never find out I'm smoking?
  19. I used to smoke in my room, blowing out the window and never got caught. I quit smoking inside while i was ahead though. I just think its too sketchy. Now i just wait till everyone goes to bed and then go outside and blaze a bowl or two.:bongin:
  20. Never been caught smoking in my room. Back when I lived in a trailer (fffuuu- I hated that),
    my room was about 15 feet down the hall from my mom's room so I'd be super paranoid.
    First, I'd wait for her to go to bed. Beginning at around 12:00 A.M., I'd stick a small mirror
    under the door to see if her light was on. If it was off, then I'd wait half an hour and then go
    out to the kitchen for a gallon of water and Ritz crackers. If she was snoring, then it's time.

    I'd take a huge, thick blanket and put it over my door and shove screwdrivers through the
    space between the door and wall to make it stay. This was after locking my door (2008
    to 2009, installed a locking doorknob when my cousin came to stay for a week.)
    Then I'd pile more blankets in front of the door. I turned off all the lights except my little
    desk lamp so if she got up in the middle of the night, she'd think I'm asleep from lack of
    light. Also, the dim light from this lamp is just really nice looking.

    I'd then load my whatever pipe I had at those times (shitty metal one, then an old glass
    bong stem my best friend gave me when police found my bowl on a friend I had let him
    use (he took the blame, I told him many times that day I didn't want to bring it out of the
    house and that he was responsible for anything that happened), then the glass spoon I
    have now. Always keep small pipes. Then I'd tie dryer sheets to my ceiling fan blades and smoke.

    Took small hits and cornered the bowl and pressed my scissor blades to the cherry to
    put it out immediately after a hit. Forgot to add, my window was always open with a fan
    blowing air in until I got a window A/C. The smell never leaked from my room and my
    mom never came in. And I'd wait until the smell was gone to leave my room to go to the

    Now days, I have the whole upstairs of our new house to myself. There's a sink and
    bathroom up here so all I ever have to do before smoking is get some food and a large
    pitcher with ice and I'm good to go. She never comes up here. I just sit by my window
    with all the lights off and blow the smoke out the window. I hide the lighter flick by
    hiding behind my light-proof window cover so my neighbors don't see if they happen to
    be looking out their window at 2 A.M. lol.

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