Hey, I am a college student, and work a full time job. Live on my own so money is pretty tight. Anywho real shit is I am a fatty, tired of it. Was at 310 and decided to loose some weight do to the fact that my heart is severly enlarged. SO i stopped drinking cokes, and excercised. I would just do the bowflex and ride a bike, but at that time I was getting pussy so I was burning a bunch of calories. Now days not really happening and I am still over weight at 230lbs and my goal is to get down to a 32 inch waist (was at a 48 inch waist at 310pounds) @ 190lbs. Im a big country guy with a big fucking head, so I can't get to skinny or my head will look like a water melon on a toothpick. Anyways to get to the point, what are some good tips to loose those last 40 lbs? I don't neccesarily care about being built, but I definatly would not mind my Moobies dissapearing. Side note, I eat pretty un healthily do to being broke. IE like once maybe twice a day, usually within 3 hours of me going to bed. And it is almost never any greens. I am thinking about starting to run to get cardio up and maybe loose some weight, but it bores the shit out of me and so I was wondering if yall had any ideas
If you live close to where you shop, only buy what you are going to eat that day.Keep fridge empty other than that.Drink a gallon of water per day. I use to buy like 1 pack of hotpockets, or a tv dinner etc. and a diet soda every day, other than that the fridge was bare. My friend that was over 300lbs lost 100lbs over the summer living with me doing this and playing pick up basket ball every evening.
Ride your bike ALLLLLL the time. I lost 50 pounds in a few months because I was riding my bike 3 hours a day minimum. Easier than running and you still burn calories like a motherfucker. Currently 180 lbs 1 year ago today: 254 Trust me brotha it gets easier the more you do it.
Also, best way to lose those man boobs is push-ups, the new muscle will stretch out the fat until you got a flat chest. I'm having the same problem as you, even though I'm pretty skinny now (29 inch waist) I still got some little man boobies poking out. I'm about 3 weeks into my daily push-up routine, and it's making a difference little by little. Lets lose these moobs together!
A lot of healthy food is very cheap. I'm also on a pretty tight budget right now, so I eat a lot of oatmeal, eggs, vegetables. All really cheap and good for you. If you don't know how to cook - learn to. There's a lot of things that you can do easily with chicken breasts (moderately cheap if you buy in bulk), and whole chickens are much cheaper still. I eat a decent amount of sweet potatoes since they're cheap and very filling. Budget really shouldn't stop you from eating well.
Healthy food is generally cheaper than junk food. If you have problems with cravings, eat more protein rich foods. For example breakfast can be oatmeal and 3 WHOLE eggs(not egg whites) w/cheese. Lunch can be a tuna sandwich, dinner chicken and salad. You can snack on apples or have a protein shake inmbetween meals if your starving but remember, to lose weight you have to be in a calorie deficit. Post from another thread.
Thanks for the tips, I can defintatly do some of this. Also, I plan on buying a motorcycle soon, does anyone know if that gets you in shape? I guess when I get payed this friday im going to buy some things from the store. Chicken (not pre packaged fried strips like I usually buy), Juice, Whey Protein Powder, Multi Vitamin, bags of salad, oatmill and eggs. Idk if I am ready for spinach just yet. Just never been able to swallow it. What are some good push up routines I should start with? Also, about to start running until I buy a wal mart bike. Also, about chicken, can I buy like boneless chicken that has not been cooked yet?
Not about to read all the words in here. Losing weight has a few very basic principles that most people ignore or don't know. 1. Eat breakfast. You sleep for 8 hours without food. During this time your body is "fasting" and the more your body has to do this, the more it has to slow your metabolism down. So when you wake up you need to eat to break the fast. Eating breakfast is one of the easiest ways to lose weight. 2. Skipping meals is for fatties. Literally, if you skip meals you're doing the exact opposite of what you should be doing. If anything you should eat many small meals throughout the day. When you skip a meal your body says, "FUCK theres no food around this bitch! Lets store what we can as fat since we don't get to eat often." Eating 5-6 small meals every 2-4 hours throughout the day is one of the easiest ways to lose weight. Those are the two most common mistakes in weight loss. Skipping meals, especially breakfast... Don't make your body store energy for later... Make sure it knows it can have more energy sources whenever it needs them.
Cook all your food by hand no microwave. And just ride a bike and lift. You'll cheat anyway but your muscles will pick up any slack. No saturated fats or transfat, they build up in the body easier while unsaturated fats are more easily processed for usable not storable fat. If you cook all your food from scratch you should know what your adding, drink choclate milk once a day and water the rest, or just water but you need electrolytes so buy some gatorade packets, but choclate milks better and probably cheaper.
find exercise that is fun for you, besides you might meet some girls that way to, if you hate the gym look for outdoor activities
I got an extra 10 dollars so I bought some boneliss skinless chicken from wal mart and a bag of salad. I hate salad so instead of making one, im just eating the romaine lettuce like its potato chips. Also cooked for the first time yesterday, got 3 breasts boiled, then buttered the pan (very very little) and fried them with a bunch of seasonings, cut them into chunks and soaked up all the butter, put in a bag for today to eat. Tastes great, eating abreast every few hours. Also just bought a bike for 10$ lmao. Also been trying to drink more water, have to pee alot now. Time to loose some weight
buy some baby spinach. it will be a darkish green color. it will be almost like leaves. yes, get that. it will be in a salad type of bag, not a can. baby spinach is the best. try it out, i think its great
if you can torrent p90x or find videos do them doesn't matter if you keep up with the people on the video or not (you usually arnt suppose to unless you're already in good condition) that PLUS SHORT and intense cardio long cardios waste time and is too easy for your body to get use to the base short and intense cardios = having to use up that much more energy so it'll be harder to plateau also the p90x has a shit ton of mix ups so its good for your body to not reach a ceiling too quickly intense shit will drop your fat % as fast as possible vs anything else aside from a healthy diet and correct sleep also toke it up!! less stress = less problems on your body =) muscle burns fat < bulking or doing high reps lower/weights will do you good no matter what in my case im bulking but gained a good few pounds but i also noticed i got a LITTLE bit skinnier as well
Make it work for you...if you hate salad, don't eat salad. You don't want to hit your target weight, throw out the diet since your eating food you don't like, and then go right back to where you are.
I would like to just say that some of what these people are saying is pretty drastic. "Drink a full gallon of water a day, empty the pantry/fridge" these things aren't realistic.. It takes time, and losing weight is a lifetime change.. Yes, you should stay hydrated and drink at least 8 cups of water a day.. Doing exercises isn't for everyone, you need to find out what you can do and how often you can do so.. I found that doing a set of 10 push-ups 3 times a day, side planks, and few squats can really go a long way especially from not doing anything at all. The greatest advice I can give you honestly is just do what you are capable of, don't drink sodas, research complex carbohydrates and keep eating good lean proteins.. You can learn your BMR online, which is what your body burns at rest not completely accurate but gives you a good number to work around.. Don't expect to lose 5 pounds a week, unless you're doing constant cardio, busting your ass doing weight training, and starving yourself which I'm HIGHLY AGAINST.. Good luck!!!!!
Losing weight is not an easy thing to do, you have to have motivation and discipline in order for you to achieve your desired body. And since you are in a budget I suggest that you should start by getting rid of the foods that you're not supposed to eat, then you can do some exercise like walking or jogging for a couple of hours everyday. In no time you can see that you will lose weight.
drink whole milk, like a gallon every two days. eat more vegetables than grain and meat, substitute meat for beans and nuts on some days. you would be very, very surprised how little eating well costs. if you control your portions this sort of food will be very sustaining for a week or so. drink tons of water, walk a mile or two every morning and then every night until you come down to a weight where you feel comfortable running, then start sprinting (after you study up on proper runniing form, seriously) up hills. i would bet you are like me having been sitting for a great periods of time. your posterior chain (the main muscles that move your body forward) may have grown weak or even atrophied. you need to build these muscles, and your core by doing things like planks. sit ups build big 6 packs, not strong cores. you wont do much good by trimming weight while you eat less. you gotta change your life style so you dont fall into the same trap. plus, as you lose weight you will be stronger, making it easier to go longer thus losing weight quicker. you got this man, just keep going!
You said you were getting a motorcycle if by that you mean dirt bike yes it will burn tons of calories. Going to track during practice days and trail riding will do your body a lot of good. Ppl think its easy but after about an hour of riding your thighs, forearms, upper arms, and abs will be pretty sore. You have to remember not to ride like sissy (after you learn if you don't know how to ride yet) basically ride it like your trying to break it. Edit: the poster above suggesting drinking milk. Avoid milk at all costs its low in calcium, hormone enriched, and pretty much pure fat. vegies are better for calcium intake. The hormones will make you lose weight slower, and it will make you larger.
Shit. I am still fat. After all of the money / time wasted I barely made any progress. I have learned though that loosing weight is not about Dieting and excercise for the soul purpose of loosing weight but it is about living healithier on a day to day basis. I am 220 lbs.
I'm in this process dude. I'm 196lbs and I want to change my body completely. I've started to change my life around, not even for the body, but for my state of mind. I want to be proud of what I look like, knowing that it took some fucking balls and pain to get it. I started at my local gym, I do mon, weds and fri weights and then tues t hurs and sunday doing cardio. Sometimes, it fucking sucks balls, i'm not going to lie to you. I ate really bad before, and occasionally I crave it. Just know though that there is never going to be a good time for you to do this. You just need to suck it up and get through it. Trust me, when you're where you want to be, you'll have a massive smile on your face and you'll be god damn proud to know that you've done it. Gl bro.