Tips on how to survive a blood test

Discussion in 'General' started by buuud, Mar 9, 2010.

  1. I am completely terrified of needles going into my vain. I hate shots and i know they don't hurt but idk...i just freak out about them. And i might be having to get regular blood work done soon and if i do, i don't know how i'm going to handle it. I watch a bunch of youtube videos of people getting blood test and i literally started shaking. Idk why! They just freak me out. Does anybody know any tips that could help me relax. I would really like to conquer this fear.

    And I'm going to ignore comments like "man up"...because i tried that and i'm still a puss about it
  2. Curse alot. It helps me get through it, as well as other people. I'm pretty sure that some study concluded that cursing can dull down the pain.
  3. hmm good idea
  4. blood is so fascinating, I love when I'm able to donate blood . It's your life force. I love looking at the blood going into vials. Just look the other way, the pain factor is rather minute. And the procedure is usually completed <30 seconds. Maybe taking an Ipod to listen to will help divert your thoughts, its not bad, just working up to it is the worst part. Good luck, I hope everything works out for you :)
  5. yeah thinking that its less than 30 seconds helps...thanks!
  6. When getting blood drawn look away from the needle, dont look at your arm.

    That helped me alot.
  7. Uh why the hell would you ever watch videos of people giving blood. Sorry to sound harsh but wtf. I don't enjoy it or anything and am a bit queasy too, but I would never watch videos to prepare. It seems pointless. Just don't look when they do it. C'mon man its not that bad. Be an adult. I never watch them do it just so you know. Look away best you can.

    Now why in the world would people post videos of themselves giving blood is my other question but youtube does have alot of pointless shit so I can understand.
  8. Get numbing cream, you wont feel a thing.
  9. You don't feel a thing anyway. Just look away and ask them not to tell you when they're gonna stick you.
  10. thanks for the replys guys.....and i watched the videos to know what exactly to expect...never gave blood before...also i thought it would help me in idk doesn't seem that weird to me
  11. Just don't look.

    Try to tell the doctor that you have a problem with needles so you don't wanna know when it's happening. Lay back..close your eyes. Bring an attention to the music.

    That's my best guess as far as dealing with the phobia is...the only way to beat is to just..well..suck it up and deal.

    Gotta beat it sometime. I hate heights...I really hate when I have to go more then 20ft on a ladder..but I do because I know the ladder is's designed for this. It's still scares me but I still do it..and I've never fallen.
  12. blood test? that's nothing its like 10 seconds...donating blood is another story, usually it takes me awhile like 5-10 minutes.

    I hate needles too but it really doesn't hurt that bad honestly, I just look the other way when they put it in and never look at it while its in my vein I just stare at the ceiling and think about good shit lol
  13. I hate getting my blood drawn too. Not even sure why since I have no problem with shots or just makes me feel so weird and week to see my blood drained out of my body. You just have to grit your teeth and stare into nothing or at the hot nurses chest. Best of luck to you.

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