Hi guys new to this just growing some nice kush and cheese anyways it's my first time grow and I was wondering the best way to flush I've also bought advanced nutrients flawless finish I've heard all types of ways like keeping the light of while flushing etc and I'm using coco thanks in advance guys!
For me personally, I just pull the handle down to flush. Works every time... Sorry..I couldn't resist. Flushing, at least to me, is just feeding them water towards the last 1-2 weeks before you hack em down. It removes any weird/bad taste from any chemicals/fertilizers added to the plant/soil so you taste the bud and not the chemicals.
Flushing in general is a highly debated topic. I would say the fact that you have to flush at all has not been fully scientifically established. From my experience I like to keep flush minimal, 5-7 days max, even shorter in DWC hydro or other grow methods that essentially have no medium to wash out. Too many people have an idea that flushing must be a long and drawn out special process. That's a recipe for screwing up your plant at the end of it's life and starving it when it could be putting lots of additional weight. If you flush for more then a week you're likely negatively effecting the final harvest. There is something to be said for what is sometimes called the A.C.E. growing method. You can find articles about it. It is called Autumn Color Effect growing. I subscribe to this. You cut mostly nitrogen during about the last two weeks of flower and minimize other nutrients to start the fall color change process in the plant that would happen outdoors in nature at the end of the grow cycle. IMO this results in a smoother, better tasting end product that requires less time to cure. It's not quite the same thing as just a long flush because you still feed the plant but just at lower amounts. Autumn Color Effect
If you're in soil ... Sure you can do this with coco as well I usually hit them with a gal of RO water . First I give about 1/2 gal to melt any salts then I hit with the other half to flush through You can do this with however much H20 you want just use a catch basin to verify your getting at least 20% run off , I do this 3 times a week for 2 weeks . Big plants will dry good prior to each time of flush Sorry I missed your medium, in your post . Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk