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Tips of leaves turning brown?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Jabber420, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. Hey guys,

    I have 2 plants just entered week 4 of flowering. I noticed yesterday that quite a lot of the leaves on my blue cheese have brown tips. Is this down to over feeding? Or is it likely to be heat stress? If it is nute burn will doing a flush help her get back on track?
  2. Got pictures?
  3. Yes I will post some when I get home from work. The plant looks healthy in general, I am pretty sure it is where I havent given it enough water for the last 2 waterings. I should note that I also have a vanilla kush next to it and there are no signs of brown tips.
  4. If its simply the leaf tips, and there yellowing ten browning, sounds like your right were you need to be with feedings. The tips are burnt, but not the entire leaf. Which would lead me to believe your at max feedings/ borderline burning. That's what I strive for with my plants. Lets me know their up taking most possible nutes without over doing it.
  5. I have attached pictures and I have just done a plain water to flush out. I won't feed for about 3/4 days now because I gave a good watering. It's my first grow and thought I was doing well until yesterday

    Attached Files:

  6. More pics -

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  7. Sorry I can only load 1 pic at a time

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