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Tips for smoking during winter?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by moxie, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. I've recently accrued a 1/2 ounce of dank, but it seems like every time I go outside to enjoy the good herb, it just doesn't seem right.
    Numb fingers, stiff lungs, cloudy skies, just don't make smoking as enjoyable as a nice fall day. I can't think of anyplace to smoke indoors, and I'd rather not hotbox my car because my parents drive it sometimes too.

    Does anyone have any tips to make wintertime toking more enjoyable?
    Thanks! :smoke:
  2. personally i love to smoke when its cold outside.

    but this is what i do since i have a door in my room to the outside. (waterfall) hit it then take all the smoke in my lungs walk to the door open up and exhale. you can try this with a window.

    leaves no smell behind no nothing if you do it right
  3. We've been having the shittiest winter in new jersey in years. It's fairly miserable, but it has got me so excited for spring and summer, and being able to blaze outside wherever.
    But my advice to you would be a joint/blunt ride. Keep your window open, and the smell really doesn't stick around, and I do it quite a bit. Just roll a nice tight joint so paper ashes aren't flying everywhere, and you'll be totally fine. Do it on a long drive to somewhere, with your buddies, whenever. And invest in one of those little black ice air freshner trees, they do wonders for covering any smell.
  4. MFLB, you could vape inside with no smell or sound. Thats what i do :)

    For some reason though if i smoke outside, i can take hits like its nothing. when my lungs are cold i dont feel smoke like honestly :smoke:

  5. The only problem with this is that it makes it much easier for the police to intervene. I do this all the time, I'm just saying there is more risk.
  6. yeah i feel you this is my first time back home in philly in 5 years and its snowed hella times and smoking outside makes me feel hella gloomy and down and shit but its all good kuz i got a flight back to the bay in a few hours

  7. OP, do THIS^ but also make a sploof. Before I got my vape, I used to toke with my bubbler in the room all the time, and my parents' room is like 2 yards across from mine. Just make the sploof, slightly open the window [just enough for the sploof to fit], pack your tool of choice by hit, and exhale through the sploof. [meaning don't pack a full bowl, literally pack 1 hit. You'd rather pack a hit that's too small than too large because if it's too small, at least you can kill the whole bowl with no excess smoke/cherry. If it's too large, you will likely either end up coughing up a lung which is suspicious or having a cherry that lets smoke/smell enter the air].
  8. My pc desk sits right near my window (along with a very tall speaker). I have a small fan in my window pointed out and i keep the bowl near it after i take a hit. I cover the bowl with this small black (discreet) cardboard box just big enuff to cover the bowl. It has a hole on the top to let the smoke out. The only downfall is backdraft which any other time doesn't happen to me exCEPT when i smoke > _ < But it tends to go away pretty quickly.
  9. Every time I get high in the cold I always feel like my hands are much colder than they are, or can't feel them and think I'm going to get frostbite so basically get paranoid. Does anyone know if weed does anything to your temperature or blood flow, or is it just in my head?
  10. Thanks for the tips, everyone. I think I'll roll a fat blunt and just go on a nice relaxing drive through some forrest roads with some mates with the tunes up and windows down.

    Commie, you are so lucky to have a backdoor to your room. I've never vaped before, but I hadn't really thought about it. I'll look into making a sploof too, could come in handy- if not now, later.

    Thanks everyone
  11. If I were in your situation, I'd just go outside to the woods or something... find a nice place to sit, and enjoy a nice bowl. Wear warm clothing, or even gloves if you have to. Bring hot coffee or tea with you, it will make it even better. Smoking outside, even when it's cold is so nice. Plus, smell isn't an issue.

    If you don't want to do that, then buy a vaporizer for indoors or smoke at a friends house.

    Good luck man.
  12. Go smoke in your car and quit being paranoid. Smell goes away in less than an hour especially in cold seems like it dissipates way faster.
  13. There's 6 inches of snow, and I just smoked outside last night. Just roll a joint or something and you'll be fine.
  14. I always liked getting high out doors when it's cold as fuck, Cause it seems like to me when I go inside I get higher.

    Smoke till I am frozen and lightly baked, go inside and get warm and stoned to the bejeebus.
  15. Instead of ice cubes, pack your tube up with snow.

    I promise.
  16. I like to go to parks at night. Nobody else is there since it's winter, and theres a park nearby with a bench near a road that leads away, so even if a cop pulled into the parking lot and saw me from far away, I could escape before they could even come close.

  17. *sees you're from ohio too* yep. I had a nice toke outside today and just embraced the cold rather than trying to fight it. Then I came inside and watched The Time Traveler's Wife with the gf. (not a bad movie btw)
  18. #18 Tempest754, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2011
    try and get a bong like this [​IMG]
    you pack the Z part with snow and it makes a delicious filter and frosty refreshing hit :smoke:

    **Btw that pic is not mine nor the piece. just a random example
  19. Portable heater, Closet, Weed, You.

    Super warm hot box.
  20. that's one beautiful piece of glass. munching on some snow does help to cure dry mouth though

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