Hi all, this season will be my first year growing. I'll be growing outdoors in a somewhat high desert climate in California. About 3,000 feet elevation, last frost in April. Summer highs in the 90's on average. Not a single drop of rain or frost until November usually. Not quite a desert as there are some trees and vegetation like grasses, etc. My plan is to go with bagseed and start in May. Get about 6 plants or so in solo cups for a few weeks then transfer to 5 gallon pots of potting soil in their final locations, maybe dig a hole and place the pots in it to keep the roots cool. Any tips for this type of grow in my climate? I know grows are done in similar places and even in my area since I came across a grow before. And people grow corn and stuff here.
Anyone? Dug my first hole about 5 feet in front of the juniper tree pictured. 18x18 inches which is almost 10 gallons I believe. I'm hoping this spot gets filtered mid day sun but I'm thinking it's gonna be mostly full since the juniper isn't that big. Hope the plant I end up putting in there is a female lol, I might do 1 more hole and then a few 5 gallon buckets spread out.