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Tips curling at flushing time

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by oldstoner, Aug 7, 2007.

  1. :smoking:Hi I'm new at this posting stuff but I've got a question. Yesterday I changed my girl's hydroponic water to a flushing solution, she's in her seventh week of 12/12 light pattern and has been flowering nicely BUT today her leaf tips are curling up. Is this normal??? Does she need something, help!!!!!
  2. can you post a pic

    4. PH of water solution
    7. lites, wattage & proximity to plants
    10. Room temps
  3. Hi again, ph is 6.0 temp is 85f and the lighting is a 600w gro light set about a foot above the plant. I'm having no luck trying to send pix with my shitty little camera
  4. lower the PH your too high

    5.5-5.8 is optimum

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