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Tips/advice for a first-time user?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by larc, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. I am interested in the cannabis experience and have been for a while now. I am seeking an intellectual experience, and as an artist, I often have issues with thinking outside the box and expanding on my creativity, and I have been aware of marijuana's capabilities to help me do so. Anyways, I have purchased a small quantity of marijuana (I assume I was ripped off because of my general inexperience with this type of thing, and also I am a female student and I do not look like somebody who would attempt to try marijuana, if you know what I mean), but the problem is, that was more than a year ago. I have kept the cannabis hidden in a sealed ziplock bag in a drawer for a while now (with school and such I have never had the time to use it, and I am afraid the marijuana has gone bad). I have also gotten into an issue where, since I made my first purchase of marijuana a long time ago, all my friends who smoke pot think that I have as well, and thus it has put me in a difficult situation where they constantly invite me but I am afraid to go with them and do something that clearly displays my inexperience, you know? I haven't said that I have or have not smoked marijuana explicitly, but they all assume I do and it is too late to tell them the truth. So, unfortunately, my first experience will not be with my friends. I think that, after a successful experience with marijuana on my own, I will then be able to accept my friends' requests, and that is what I will be attempting.

    Question 1: I was wondering, is my old, dry looking marijuana still okay to smoke? Do the active ingredients lose effectiveness over time? I will probably purchase more from my friend's dealer regardless, but I would like to know.

    Question 2: I have heard that often, people do not feel the effects of marijuana for the first few usages. I would really hope that this does not happen to me, and that I can feel the effects of the THC on my first trial. What happened during your first experience? Is there any way to ensure that my first experience w/ marijuana is effective?

    Question 3: What is the best method of smoking? As a novice, I do not have smoking paraphernalia such as bongs or vaporizers. I do have access to rolling papers though. I have heard of smoking from apples. Is this a good idea? Or should I stick with a joint. Which is better?

    Q 4: How much should I purchase for a first time user? And how much money would this amount to? I think my previous purchase was 10 or 20 dollars. Is that enough?

    haha yeah so I have no idea what I am doing. And I need help. Also, feel free to talk about your own first experiences and what you did or didn't to right.

    Thanks in advance
  2. q1- Honestly,I don't know the answer to this one, sorry. But u cud prolly google it.

    q2- This is because they are not smoking it correctly (inhaling) . you won't get high if you just keep the smoke in ur mouth, it has to go into your lungs for the thx to be absorbed. My tip is, after u take a hit, take a another regular breath and make sure the smoke gets into your lungs.

    Q3- well, for a newbie on her/her own I think a one-hitter would be the easiest, really simple. But if you wanna try rolling that's fun too. (you could buy a hitter at prolly any headship for less than $10 )
    Q4- for first time u won't need much to get high at all, u cud get pretty well stoned off just a dime ($10) depending on the weed tho also

    Just remember, it's about havin fun, so don't ruin ur first high being all nervous. just sit back, relax, and remember to inhale :p
  3. Your old cannabis is most likely still good, it will just be harsher than fresh weed. You can always purchase some more and use that amount to cook yourself a goody.

    Make sure you inhale the smoke deep into your lungs and you should be getting high. Inhaling is the most important part of smoking.

    All methods are personal preference. Joints are really nice because you only have to light them once. You can smoke out of anything really. Apple pipes are actually pretty cool and easy to make. I would suggest using an apple pipe instead of attempting to roll a joint, because the first joint is usually not that pretty.

    For your first time, I would suggest buying a twenty bag. That would add up to 1-5 grams depending on quality. You do not need to smoke that much by any means, especially your first time. Make an apple pipe and use a metal screen and pack yourself enough for single hits and go from there.

    I got high by myself my very first time too. Just remember, single hits, inhale fully into your lungs, and enjoy the ride.
  4. q 1: i am not sure someone else can answer this im sure.

    q2: how will you be intaking it? if you dont want to smoke it try to cook with it, when you inhale first make it like a natural breath then act like ur gonna go deep underwater, suck that smoke in for like 4-6 seconds then release

    q3: joint and blunt will be rough if your not used to them, a bong will hit you very hard if you know how to use it, i personally use a vaporizer when im alone but with friends i do whatever

    q4: 10-20 is fine, im sure any amount will be fiine if your first time, you probably wont need to smoke that much
  5. q1- no idea

    q-2- i got pretty high my first time but thats because my friend taught me how to take a hit. just make sure the smoke goes in your lungs and hold it for about 5-7 seconds and exhale slowly taking about another 3 seconds to exhale.

    q-3- rolling a joint is good but it can be difficult. if you have a small socket you can make a homemade pipe out of that and a water bottle. grasscity has a forum on how to do it i think.

    q-4 a twenty sack is prolly the perfect amount for a first time. you might actually get high off of the first bowl because you have no tolerance so twenty is enough

    i would recommend smoking with friends who smoke before because they can give you tips so you get really high. the first time i smoked i smoked with two good friends who rolled a joint. they taught me how to hit it and i got super high off of like 3 hits.

    also just make sure you are in a comfortable enviroment so you dont stress out about anything.

    light up and enjoy:smoke:
  6. #6 chadddd, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2011
    Q1: its fine, smoke it.

    Q2: You have to inhale right. Suck the fire into the bud, so it turns into smoke. Keep sucking and inhale the smoke. This process happens instantly, so be ready to open the lungs up and feel a little pain in the lungs/throat. Also, when you feel you have taken a big enough hit, take your mouth off of the joint or whatever and suck air in really hard and fast and fill up the lungs. hold it for about 5-10 seconds.

    Q3: roll a joint. Theres many many tutorials on the internet, im sure you can figure it out

    Q4: A first time user will want a small amount (1 gram, 1.75g, 2g, 3.5g) area. Btw, 1.75 is a half eighth and 3.5g is an eighth. If your buying shitty weed, youll pay around $5 a gram. If your buying dank, you can pay up to $20 a gram. The more you buy, the cheaper it will lets say you buy shitty weed, You can 2g for $10. But if you buy 7g(a quarter), you can usually get it for around $25-30. You can tell if its shitty if its brown and you see no crystals.
  7. q1 im not sure if time affects the potency but as said it will make it increasingly harsher and less flavorful. a good way to keep it fresh is in an airtight jar, or in a bag in said jar.

    q2 as said, about inhalation. you want the smoke to go into your lungs, into your bloodstream and through your veins. you trick your lungs by inhaling thc and not oxygen. and they fall for it every time:smoke:

    q3 a bong is my preferred method and seemingly the healthiest besides vape. water filtration makes a big difference but my first time was a bowl/glasspipe and seems to be for most the people i know. a joint will suffice.. if you can roll it right!

    q4 yeah as said 10 dollars should be sufficient to get you high for your first time, provided its decent weed and you dont get ripped off. you should maybe only need to smoke a bowl or .5 to really feel the effects, but this is again depending on the quality. this will play a huge role, shitty weed makes you hungry and tired, dank weed gives you a better, more powerful high.

    hope this helps at all:wave:
  8. Question 1: I was wondering, is my old, dry looking marijuana still okay to smoke? Do the active ingredients lose effectiveness over time? I will probably purchase more from my friend's dealer regardless, but I would like to know.

    The active ingredients are more or less still active so yes you will get fadded just not as fadded as you would be if the stash was fresh. But since your a first timer I recommend you go get a fresh sack, this will ensure that your getting the FULL experience on your first go. When weed dries out it tends to burn a lot faster than fresh ones, so you will burn thru it faster. I would have to say IF you can afford it go buy your self another gram which should be in the neighberhood of $20 and ROUGHLY be about the size of your thumb.

    Question 2: I have heard that often, people do not feel the effects of marijuana for the first few usages. I would really hope that this does not happen to me, and that I can feel the effects of the THC on my first trial. What happened during your first experience? Is there any way to ensure that my first experience w/ marijuana is effective?

    My theory behind the reason why people dont experience anything their first time is the fact that they keep thinking about it. They keep asking what it feels like to be high and how their supposed to act while high etc etc. Note mj is a downer of sorts so when your brain is in overdrive thinking about HOW you should be feeling instead of just FEELING what your body is telling you, it will over ride the effect of the MJ (just like how a reality check can help ppl get out of a high). Another advice is to not get paranoid! Remember NO ONE in the record of known history has died from smoking weed, so no its not a heart attack your experiencing its just heart palpitations as MJ will make your heart beat faster. Just sit back and relax pop on some of your favorite music and keep some liquids and foods near by as you will get cotton mouth (dry mouth) and the munchies (just wana gorge down everything in sight).

    Question 3: What is the best method of smoking? As a novice, I do not have smoking paraphernalia such as bongs or vaporizers. I do have access to rolling papers though. I have heard of smoking from apples. Is this a good idea? Or should I stick with a joint. Which is better?

    As a first timer, you will have no idea how to roll a joint and gauge how much to put into it. I know you wanna keep this under wraps but I think your best bet is to borrow a pipe or something from one of your pot head friends. Just be like "Hey I broke mine, do you have a spare one that I can use?". Their relatively cheap and pot heads like to have various different pieces to use so Im sure their more than willing to lend it to you. Also if you have access to tin foil, there are alot of easy ways to DIY a make shift pipe.

    Q 4: How much should I purchase for a first time user? And how much money would this amount to? I think my previous purchase was 10 or 20 dollars. Is that enough?

    A $20/Gram should last you a good 6-10 uses for a first time user. The question here is how much you should smoke which is hard to gauge since we are not there next to you. I remember as a noobie 2-3 puffs from a pipe could get me really high. So maybe you can start off with loading a bit of weed into the pipe, too little no problem you can always load more, too much no problem you can save it for later. Before smoking the weed regardless out of a pipe/bong/joint it is a good idea to break it apart into little pieces so that it burns nice and evenly and has more THC exposed to the heat source. But not small to the point where the weed will fall thru the little hole that is in the bowl of the pipe cus that would just be a waste.

    Remember to INHALEEEE and keep the smoke inside your lungs for 3-6 seconds tops. I cant tell you how many countless times I've seen people just puff on my weed keep it in their mouth and exhale without inhaling, pisses me off to see people wasting my weed. It may take anywhere from 5-15 minutes after you have smoked to start feeling the effects, some tell tales signs that you are high are munchies, cotton mouth, short term memory has gone to shits, enhanced sense of hearing, drowziness, laziness, dry and red eyes (some Visine comes in handy here), non-stop giggling, paranoia. Above all have yourself a fun first time, and hope you develop the same passion us all of us users on this beloved forum! If you have any other questions feel free to ask, we are more than willing to helps you out :hello:
  9. To be honest, the best thing you can do is smoke with one or more of your friends. I think most people who smoke love teaching new people. Plus I think pipes and joints are a lot harsher than a good bong, so your lungs may not like that.
  10. Bro that is not sound advice and should not be used as a guideline determining the quality of the weed. There are two main types of Mj out there, one being indica and the other being sativa.

    Indica: Has a higher level of CBD than THC (the active ingredients in weed that gets you high), therefore leading to a sleepy type of high. Smoking indica leads to a couch-lock type of high where you just want to sit around and do nothing. Ideally Indica plants are used for MMJ patients that are experiencing pain, restlessness, sleeplessness as this type of weed can easily knock a person out.

    Sativa: Higher THC level than CBD. The high off of Sativa plants can be called a "body high", and therefore leading to a more energetic high that wont leave you just wanting to lounge around and do nothing. Since you say your the creative type, I can recommend trying out some Sativa as you will experience a higher level of consciousness allowing your creative juices to flow.

    Anywho dont let all this information overwhelm you for the first time, alot of times dealers dont even know what the hell their selling, just get whatever the hell your dealer has and put it in that pipe and LIGHT IT UP :smoking:!~

  11. Actually, consuming indica herb gives you the body high. Sativa herb gives you the head high.
  12. My first time was that "legal weed" out of a soda can bowl... Terrible experience... My first time getting actually high though, i was passed the bong, 2 hit off it :D, and i asked flat out "uh hey dillon... How do i use this thing??" he laughed, told me to hold the bong, give him the lighter, and he essentially showed me... He told me to inhale and not stop till he said... Super fucked up that night :hippie: <that was me... Moral of story? Dont be afraid to ask, i'd rather ask than spill the weed or break something
  13. Question 1 - yes it does degrade over time but ive heard stories of people keeping there bud stored in a airtight jar for a year and they still got high. Sunlight will degrade bud alot faster. so a tip, i recommend keeping bud in a pill bottle there smell proof and block light. It doesnt really matter much but just a small tip. Old weed doesnt taste as good, and is usually quite dry, but it will still work.

    Once I found some bud i left in a drawer for a very longtime (forgot about it since i was stoned), broke it apart and noticed really small bugs crawl out of it LOL. so i threw it away, so just examine the bud make sure theres no mold or mites, but u should do this with all the bud you get. (dont confuse mold with trichomes)

    Question 2 - other peeps already answered this question.

    Question 3 - if you know how to roll a joint, thats way better then an apple. Before i got my first pipe, i remember using a potato once. picture how a pipe works in your mind, and try to carve it.

    Question 4 - 10-20 dollars is probably how much u wanna spend the first few times u buy bud. for me its 10 dollars per gram of dank. For most people its about 15-20 per gram of dank. Ive never bought weed off the street before, but once my friend did and he got about 0.6 grams for 10 dollars, and surprisingly it was actually good quality and pretty dank. (but never buy weed off the street, its risky and you cant trust what your getting) alot of street dealers are out to make money, not keep there customers.


    experience with marijuana takes like 1 year of smoking. So even if you start smoking weed now, they will probably still notice your a bit inexperienced. Its not a big deal, if there a dick to you about it there not good friends. Telling them your inexperienced beforehand is better then being embarrassed when they find out you cant hit a bowl right, and dont know how the carb works.

    another warning dont use foil to make a pipe. it might work better then an apple, but its dangerous. smoke is absorbed in your lungs and goes into your bloodstream, you dont want aluminum or other metals floating around in your bloodstream, going through the blood-brain barrier lol.

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