Tiny worms in soil!!!

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Mr.X, Oct 29, 2002.

  1. Two of my small plants have died... this was odd... at first i thought i over watered... then underwatered... then i ddnt know what to believe... so i planted some more seeds... and then my thrid stronger plant has just died... at this point i was gettin really pissed... i thought the roots roted.. so i decided to dig up one of the seeded ones.. and the first one was all rotted and dead... the seconde one was alright looking... but i noticed a little movement in and around the soil.... i look very very closely... and i found worms there! little tiny worms!!! wtf??? how did they get there??? is that why my plants have been dying?? ofcourse i changed the soil... but what can i do to prevent this from happening again??
  2. i would suggest getting rid of that soil and going with a different brand...they were probably in it when you bought it...i haven't grown soil in a long time and never had that problem but i would still go with a different brand..and if you still have doubts you can put it in the oven over high heat and that will kill anything liveing in it...but i'll warn you it will stink your house up pretty bad..but it sure beats the hell out of dead plants..also dissinfect your grow room and put in some pest strips...and do a little spraying..that should take care of any critters liveing in there that may be leaveing larvae in the soil..hope this helps...
  3. thx... yeah i bought some new soil this morning .. and transplanted all of my newly planted non-dead plants... its a shame.. the little buggers killed all my bigger plants... at least i salvaged 5 of them... yeah... i didnt want to put the soil in my oven... so i put it outside... its gonna reach -20 this week.. i thought that would kill them too... hopefully... im wont even use that soil again though...

    what are these pest stripes you talk about??? and by spray... do u mean like Raid?? ... if i spray into or onto the soil itself.. would that hurt the plants???
  4. i wouldn't put anything in the soil but i would spray down your growing area really good...the pest thing i was talking about looks like a air freshioner go to a home depot or lowes they have them there..i think they are about $5 they work great for spider mites too i hung 4 of them in my grow area and my spider mites were gone in 3 days...and those little bastards are hell on a plant...

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