Tiny white specs on leaves

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Mcroz11, Apr 29, 2018.

  1. Hello,
    I've got a very healthy plant, however I can't figure out what these white specs are.
    I'm growing in a hempy bucket, and the fan is very close, I assumed it was perlite dust.
    Bow the plant is way above the perlite and I find it unlikely that's what it is.

    I've put lady bugs as well as captain jacks dead bug about a week ago and I still see new white pebbles at the top.

    Other than this problem she's very healthy, about 4 weeks old from clone. They are very tiny, and like like white specs on the leaf. I look under a microscope but don't see any movement.

    20180428_220131.jpg 20180428_220158.jpg
    Any advice?

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