Tiny white bugs on plant

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Nickel69, Mar 5, 2019.

  1. Hello need some help have a plant that is near harvest when to check the trycones and found tiny white bugs on the plant need some help on locating what they are.

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  2. I could be wrong, but that looks like a fungus gnat larvae. Perhaps someone else will chime in.
  3. I can't really tell. If it's fugus gnats (you probably are overwatering) get some BT or mosquito dunks and deal with them.
    It could possibly be white flies... then neem
  4. Looks like mountain hat or thrips. I use Dr zymes. Its organic citrus acid formula. U can use right up to harvest. But seeing that u are about done. I would look up bud wash in YouTube. I have done it many times. Baking soda and lemon juice in warm water u dip for like a min than dip in rinse bucket. Ur buds will actually dry out quicker

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  5. Scrub mountain. Either thrips or gnats

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  6. You won’t see fungus gnats on foliage like that, only the adult gnats which are black. All fungus gnat eggs and larvae are in the soil.
    Those are thrips larvae. Symptom of a dry climate. Takes a ton of them to kill a plant so if you’re almost there, ride it out. Don’t use any chemical or anything. I would get sticky traps up if you don’t already have them up.
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