In one of my pots I noticed a lot of tiny grey/brown bugs crawling all in the soil, they are very small (flea sized?) and do not jump. I looked up different pests but I don't see anything that looks like these, help?
Soil? More info? old Hippies Organic Garden.
I've been using fox farms ocean forest, I didn't know what to do so I just watered it hoping they drown. It's almost ready for harvest. The other soil in the pots look fine, don't understand why I only see them in 1 pot when all 5 pots are right next to each other. What other info do you need? This is the first time I've seen bugs.
Do they seem to be hurting the plant? When I look at my soil with a loupe I see lots of critters.Most are beneficial the ones that aren't are hunted down by the good ones.These could be beneficial. old Hippies Organic Garden.
Not that I see no, I've seen pictures of the common pests and they look nothing alike. They are pretty small but I noticed them moving around in the soil.
I would do nothing since you are close to finish. They may be any number of things try to identify them from pics. old Hippies Organic Garden.
[quote name="loopster" post="19451834" timestamp="1391338501"]There aren't many other bugs that'll live inside indoor pots?[/quote]Not many. Hundreds maybe. old Hippies Organic Garden.
University of Maine Pest Identification Go here for identification - GL J
If they are root aphids you won't be able to see the damage until it's too late. After the larvae has fed on the roots, it will surface, grow wings and fly to the next one. They will kill your roots. May I recommend ladybugs? Or organic pest control? Better safe than sorry
Well I just returned from an overseas holiday and opened up my pc grow box in preparation for a grow and noticed that a number of tiny black flies reminiscent of fruit flies have invaded while I was away. There are no plants in there, just a soil mix that I had 'cooking' in preparation for a grow. So far I haven't positively identified what these critters are; as I said, they look like fruit flies, only they are black. Anyone got any suggestions on how to deal with these before I plant my beans in there?