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Tincture with Jager?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Sexyback, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. So I just bought a bottle of jager and an 8th of some dank.
    Are there any ways to make a tincture of some sort with jager?
  2. whats the alcohol percentage of jager??
  3. The percentage is too low to really get the most out of your bud. I'd get some 151 or something else.. Drink the Jager!:D
  4. Jägermeister 40% of the volume, the bottles they sell here are 0,7 litres for 10euro.. so it's damn expensive for a tincture and way to low alcohol percentage. Take something inbetween 80-95%, pure alcohol with water :)

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