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Tincture Questions

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Wondering, Jan 12, 2010.

  1. 1) Can I just throw a bunch of freshly picked flower tops in a big jar, add the alcohol and let it sit for a month or two (shaking occasionally)?

    2) I want a tincture that's potent enough for a couple drops to do the trick. Supposing that the cannabis is good, what ratio of buds (in fresh weight) to alcohol would be needed?

    I quit smoking, but I still have a passion for herb. I want to make a decent size nonperishable batch that I can store over a considerable period of time. I'll be working with uncured, freshly harvested greens. Initially, I was going to try cannaoil, but I want a medium that I'll be able use in single doses rather than having to cook up a plate of brownies or whatnot. Am I going about this in the right way?

    As always I'm grateful for your help and any suggestions you can give me. Thanks.
  2. Dude I have the exact same question about olive oil... it should do the trick. What type of alcohol u using? I would recommend everclear, but that shit would get u drunk before it gets you high.
  3. I havent done this yet, but from what I hear the ratio is 2 oz to 1/2 gram of bud.

    That should give you a strong tincture.

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