timer went tonight suposed to turn of 11 went 3 hr over help ?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by uk420grower, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. hey there people looking for some advice as went out today day 36 of flower and got home tonight after smokin at a friends and my mh was still going as timer for it blew !! new timer but very worried about what effect this could have !! so any help and thearys would be well apreciated !!! as we all know its all about making this world a nicer and greener planat !!! peace to you all !!!
  2. really nothing you can do so just get it back on track. It might freak it out for a day or too.
  3. just a day or two ? thats not quite so bad was thinking could set me back weeks !! cheers dude much apreciated !!
  4. The only thing you will have to worry about is the girls going herm because of the schedule change.. As long as they don't you should be fine..
  5. cant imagine 3 hours will turn it hermi, but ive seen stranger things happen. you should be fine. make sure it doesnt happen again.

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