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Time until detox'd?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by TCF, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. Last Sunday, I was arrested. The charges against me are possession and intent to distribute. Fuck red states. Anyway, my court date is April 7, and I'm wondering how long it'll take for THC to get out of my system.

    Last summer, I'd be smoking three times a day, maybe more. When I came back to college, I would smoke a couple times a week, and I gradually worked my way up to around once a day. When I went home for winter break, my smoking was initially sporadic. I had shitty connects, but by the end of break (as in, the last week) I was smoking once a day or more.

    Then I got arrested January 17.

    I vowed not to smoke until my court date, but then decided to have one last blaze sesh with my dealer out here (fun fact: he's trying to quit, and hadn't smoked for two months, but broke his vow when he heard my sob story). That was January 19 or 20. I haven't smoked since then. However, a girl is coming up to visit me February 12-14. For those who can't do math or are as lazy as I am, that gives me 53 days before I have to appear in court, or a little over 7 weeks. Obviously, I'm anticipating a urine test.

    I'm 5"6 1/2, weigh about 133 pounds, and go to the gym for an hour and a half every day, usually a bit more. No cardio, though. It's all lifting.

    If I do smoke when she comes up here, is 53 days enough to have it all out of my system? And is there anything I should do to expedite the detox process?

    Ficticious, etc.
  2. Agreed. That's plenty of days to get it out of your system. Keep doing what your doing with lifting. And drink a good amount of water a day. Say 15 glasses at least. You should try a little bit of cardio too it wouldn't hurt. Good luck you'll be fine.
  3. Yeah you should be fine. I'd say even a solid month and you'd be fine as your metabolism is probably pretty high. If you want to be sure, work in some cardio 2 days a week for like a week or 2.
  4. 53 days is plenty of time bro, you're fine. Hell you could even smoke 2-3 weeks up to your court date unless they are doing a hair test then its way longer.
  5. Weekly Routine:

    Day 1,3.5 = Upper body
    Day 2,4,6 = Lower body + Cardio
    Day 7 = Rest + Potassium+Water

    You'll be clean in 2 weeks max. Drink a gallon of water a day, every day. On day 7 of the week, drink 2 gallons and eat 4 bananas. Rest up. You have a long hard week ahead of you. Eat plenty of protien and carbohydrates after your workout regimine. You could also do 2TBSP of creatine suppliment dissolved in milk per day to enhance muscle biuld. Cease smoking, (or eating), any cannabis/THC product immediatly. Do this until you test for a UA, and you'll have no worries.
  6. Thanks for the help y'all. I'll let you know how it goes in a couple months.

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