Time Traveling Bong - Puff, Puff, Past - ComedyCentral

Discussion in 'Television/Internet TV/VOD/DVD' started by Superjoint, Apr 8, 2016.

  1. Duuuuuude. I know we’re all fired up about the Star Wars Rogue One trailer today, but take a moment to watch the trailer for Time Traveling Bong, too—Comedy Central’s new pot-fueled science fiction special from Broad City’s Paul Downs and Ilana Glazer. It airs on 4/20 (obviously), and it looks hilariously insane.

    On April 20, Ilana Glazer and Paul W. Downs embark on a totally dope journey through space and time.

    Find out more about Time Traveling Bong: http://www.cc.com/shows/time-travelin...

    Time Traveling Bong premieres April 20 on Comedy Central.
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  2. Commercial looks pretty corny....like another terrible "Scary Movie" type deal...however I probably will watch it anyway because let's be real TV sucks these days...
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  3. Damn she looks really different without her curly hair
  4. Tell me about i was watching A&E first time in awhile wow they went down hill mabe I just see the bullshit
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  5. I fuckin love Broad City, this should be pretty tits.
  6. it was fucking hilarious..
  7. It was great. I thought that there were some really creative twists in the plot. Super funny.

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