It has come time to put an end to the Federal Reserve. For the American people, this needs to happen. We need to have currency that is backed by Gold, Silver and other precious metals. The printing of paper money without anything backing it won't work anymore. All nations will start to reject our currency, and as the largest importer this will lead to the collapse of America.
the problem is all the money in circulation is loaned out at interest by the central bank. This means its impossible to pay off the debt, because every dollar created theres interest that needs to be paid on it, money which cant exist mathematically. I think what obama's doing might keep things okay for a year or 2, but once commodity prices get high enough, your paying 4-5$ per gallon of gasoline. and food will be more expensive. Once food and gasoline get expensive enough the whole thing collapses into depression. On June 4, 1963, a virtually unknown Presidential decree, Executive Order 11110, was signed with the authority to basically strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest. With the stroke of a pen, President Kennedy declared that the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank would soon be out of business. by having the US treasury print money backed by silver, would help pay off the debt. Although much of the debt should be written off, the bankers are criminals, so I think its also a good idea to have state run banks. Call me a socialist, but the banks are to dangerous to be kept alive. The states can then manage it better like with what they did in north dakota. bankers are just middle men that hold your money, and then give it away to others to make money. basically gambling with economics. there aloud to loan out 9x more then what they have. Ive had experiences with banks where they get pissed at me because im taking out all my paycheck. They see it as there money not yours.
The Problem is we dont need money. Hate to break it to ya, but Capitalism is an outdated way to live as a civilization, especially by our means now with all our technology.
Fucking piece of shit banks. Those pricks will meet their day when the people finally have enough of their shit. A bunch of old white greedy men will have their heads smashed one day.
well you cant have that kind of a revolution so fast, it takes time. First we need to fix capitalism so its working for the people like it was meant to. Then with less evil in power we can slowly transition to that.
No, its time to do AWAY with money, PERIOD. As long as Money is around, things will never EVER change. THIS, is what needs to be done. No more money based economy. Its time for a resource based economy. I am tired of hearing how things can be fixed under the current world economies. It can not. There are no more recoveries coming. Did you know that by 2030, power creation has to rise 44% to support what the world population will be at that time? And did you know that in 2030, there will not be a country in the world that can afford the power needed? Seriously, time to revolt, time to change, drastically. But, I just don't know how to wake enough people up to reality. Anyway, watch the movie below. I love this guy. He speaks the truth. [ame=]YouTube - ZEITGEIST: MOVING FORWARD | OFFICIAL RELEASE | 2011[/ame]
I'm white, I just wanted to paint a picture of who these evil pricks are. Theyre rich white greedy old men. Defenseless little cowards that would be torn to shreds, these are the people screwing the world.
There is no fixing it. its over. It can not be fixed, only major change can effect things. The Free Market system stopped being effective about 30 years ago. No its all just on a downslope, and everyone remains blind to whats to come, and they keep thinking they can fix it, if we only get a Democrat in office, if only the republicans can get power back. People waste all their energy on freaking politics. What has a politician EVER done to make things better. NOTHING. And they never will. Its all bullshit, and everyone remains brainwashed wile the earth is exploited and its finite resources are hoarded and exploited, all for $$$, and it will continue till its too late, unless we do something now. FUCK money, Fuck Politics (ALL of them). Wake up, and realize its the earth and humanity we need to turn our attention towards, not how to fix fucking worthless money. Do you realize that in a poverty stricken country there is plenty of food to feed them all? They just can't afford it. FUCK THAT. They don't have money so they can't eat? What the FUCK is that all about? The ECONOMY is supposed to mean providing an efficient manner of taking care of human needs, not stopping people from tha basic necessities of life, because of the lack of fucking money, all the while everything they need is available, and the powers keep it from them since they have no money? How do you fix that? You DON'T. You ELIMINATE that shit. I am so sick of hearing people that think they are smart, and tell us why if someone or the other was president, things will change. SICK of it. Wake the FUCK up people. See the world for what it is. We are destroying ourselves, and only WE have the power to stop it. Peace.
History has sort of proven you wrong there. I could give some examples, but the list encapsulating the "change" that has happened while money was around is pretty darn long. That's quite a prediction. Is there any way I could see the calculations behind that prediction or are you just parroting what you heard in some youtube video? I would be sincerely interested in the calculations behind those predictions, but I must admit, I'm not really interested in spending 2.5 hours watching a youtube video. What free market system are you referring to? Could you define what you mean by "free market system"? Are you denying that coercive (state) monopolies are currently the driving force (read: intervention in the market) behind many of the larger sectors of the economy (health care, defense, banking, etc.)?
Youre only picking out the word "white" from my description. There was also "greedy" "old" & "men". Not all old people are screwing the world, not all men are screwing the world. Greedy old white men are.
Exactly what is wrong, and why people won't change until its too late. You won't invest a little time into something that may change the way you feel about things? Its such a cop out that people say I can't be bothered watching a youtube video. You try to dismiss nd demean it with statements like that, but that only shows your ignornace. If you have no time to learn, you never will learn. ANd I love that people call the Zeitgeist films a youtube video. He even addresses all of the ignornat way people try to dismiss him in his movies. Its laughable. You carry no credibility at all if all you can do is not watch something, and try to demean it without ever watching it. This movie has been released first in theaters across the world, this is Peter's 3rd film, and is far from just a youtube vid. So your ignorant attempt to try to dismiss it is just that, ignorance. Watch the film, and have an intelligent discussion about it with me, even if you still disagree, and I would respect you. Dismiss my views on it without watching it, and try to demean it by calling it just a Youtube video, well, thats just ignornace, so its not worthy of discussion. Maybe I should have posted the link to his site, instead of directly to the movie. Maybe that will lessen the ignorance. Let me give it a try. The Zeitgeist Film Series Gateway | Zeitgeist: The Movie, Zeitgeist: Addendum, Zeitgeist Moving Forward There, now its not just a youtube video. Its an actual film, that a ton of research was done for, that contains intervierws with some of the world's top professors and top scientists, and I should dismiss thei views over someone who won't even watch it? You are living proff that we can not get things changed in this country because of the laziness and the ignorance. You can not unbrainwash people, beacause they refuse to allow it. You will not wake up till its too late, then you will wonder why you remained so ignorant. Watch the movie and hate it, then tell me so, at least I can respect. But your dismissal of it? Well, you just revelaed yourself as a sheep.
I just don't think my time will be best spent learning by watching a 2.5 hour youtube video. I have access to entire databases of scholarly articles and books. In 2.5 hours I could read dozens of articles regarding topics interesting to me. Forgive me, the last Zeitgeist I watched was just not that impressive. I've watched at least one other zeitgeist film. There was nothing that enlightening in the film I saw. Let me know when you're going to answer my questions. I asked 4 of them. You answered 0.