25% clear 50% cloudy 25% amber day 62 hindu skunk should I wait for a uniform cloudiness or is a little clear okay?
ok here is the color breakdown mostly clear = early, pure head high, not much body at all. can be trippy/paranioa, due to early harvest complete cannabinoid profile may not be there yet mostly cloudy. trichs maturing more thc-a is now thc. effects are more balanced as thc matures and other cannbinoids come into the plant mostly amber = plant is now a bit overripe, or just right depending on what you are going for. a plant with mostly amber will have a strong couchlock as the thc begins to degrade and cbd and cbn levels rise I usually harvest a 25/50/25 for sativas, daytime indicas. i wait to <10% clear 40 % cloudy and 50% amber for a knock out indica nightime strain such as church or HP