Time to go shopping, Thoughts?

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by EllwooD, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. Hey everyone, Im new to the city but have been toking for quite some time now.

    I just recently sold my old Bong - a beaker bottom Lux with 2 percs - so Im now in the hunt for a new Bong.

    Ive been following the "High Quality Glass Picture Thread" and love all the work Ive seen done by Toro as well as Sovereignty Glass. Im also thinking about getting a big straight shot RooR, I think think they're classy as hell.

    Anyways, I was wondering if you guys had any input as to what Bong I should look into. Im not really interested in a beaker bottom, simply because Ive been toking one for a few years now.

    My budget is about 650 give or take, Im looking for something thats quality and durable and that will last me a while.

    All suggestions are welcome
  2. ever thought about an ITZA? Ive got an 17 inch. 8 arm bubbler from them and it is probably the best peice Ive ever owned, clears in a milisecond and hits super smooth.
  3. Sounds sweet man, but I think Im gonna go with a Bong if possible
  4. where are you located?
  5. In Cali, about and hour north of LA
  6. truth is, most everything in your price range is going to be reallllly sick. just go to a shop with a number in mind and consider everything. your sure to get something sick. thats what i did. got an illadelph straight tube. its amazing.
  7. Right on, I love Illadelph's work!
    Theres a few headshops in my area so I know I have a few options (1 of them is kinda a cheap China glass shop... so I guess theres really only two legit shops near me).
    Dementia is the name of one and Fuzion is the name of the other.
    I like pretty much everything I see in Dementia haha, they carry a ton of Sheldon Black / RooR / Lux gear but not so much Toro :(
    They currently have two Toros in stock at the moment and the manager claims that they don't have many Toros rollin in so its kind of a rarity.
    Im pretty interested in a green label stemless Toro with a circulator (i think thats the name for it) perc.
    Anyways, keep the ideas coming! Im hoping to make my decision by the en of this week
  8. I would consider a 9mm US tubes. They are very durable. I saw these videos posted on grasscity called Bong Wars. Don't know if you saw it but you can search for it. Guy smacks a US tube against a ROOR, an Illadelph, and a PH(x) and the US tubes comes out basically unscratched. That's the kind of tube that I want because after a couple years I want to have the same tube.

  9. Check out Wicked Sands on Ventura Bl in Tarzana. They have a lot of heady stuff including toro, AK, illadelph, wicked sands, us tubes, roor,de but Ive only seen those circ perc toro's online though.

    Since ur in cali you can also order from SG's website...

    seriously dude. if i lived in cali and had 700 bucks to spend.

    i'm just saying.
  11. That video made me cringe. You cant go wrong with that price range! Enjoy!
  12. I would love to check out SGs work, can I get a link to their website?
  13. Wicked Sands is the way to go, Tarzana should be right around the corner from you.
  14. Hey if you live in California you should definitely look at SG, he is in the top two right now when it comes to quality glass. For 700 you could get something really nice from him.
  15. For sure, can't wait to check out their work

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