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Time for a T-Break?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by White Smoke, May 27, 2009.

  1. I've been smoking for about a year now. I smoke every day pretty much and i smoke anywhere from once to 3 times a day. My high's are intense still but only last me a few hours maybe 2-3. I've never taken a T-break before so idk when i should have one.
  2. If you feel like you're not getting as high then take a little break. It's amazing how great a week off does for you. I smoke everyday just like you and i stopped smoking for 3 days and noticed a difference.
  3. Hell yeah.

    You should tbreak as long as you can, maybe fore like 1 month.

    Then when you smoke again, youll get ultra ripped. It saves money in the long run too.
  4. A week or maybe two if you're willing, and you'll be amazed at the difference, believe me, just try it :)
  5. if you want i would only if i dont feel like im gettin as high as i normaly do
  6. if you have been smoking everyday for a year the way you are describing nonstop then it is indeed time to take a break, and i am not usually one to pass out T breaks.
  7. dude you still stay high for a pretty long time, i've had a tolerance where highs lasted about 45 min. i wouldnt, but ultimately it's up to you, no harm in it either.
  8. No harm in taking a little break mate, sure you'll reap the rewards when you come back to the green :)
  9. After smoking about as much as you, my highs went from 2-3 hours to 45 minutes. Eight days of T-break fixed that.
  10. im currently on a break, smoked almost a year straight, around once to three times a day also, my highs last a good 2 hours but i easily went from stoned to just high in like 30 minutes, so it was pretty lame. now im takign a t-break for another month or two. hope that helps what you guys think? the only reason for so long is because currently i have no money and im living backwith my parents, and i like to obey there rules with no drugs...
  11. Either I've been getting bad buds from everyone I know for the six months I've been smoking, or I inherited tolerance from my meth-head mother, because when I started, that was how long my highs lasted me for full blown highs.
  12. It'll be worth it. Just do it dude. It might be hard but just think of how high you'll get next time you smoke

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