Tilting the bong

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by killmockingbird, Nov 20, 2011.

  1. Everybody knows that for your diffuser (on the downstem) to work properly, it need to be tilted to make it vertical. However, now more and more bong are also using percolators with multiple arms and such. These should also be straight up and down for the best diffusion. So my question is-
    How is it that you would be able to have BOTH diffuse optimally?
    It seems that glassblowers only solution to this is to make inlines and other atypical(for lack of a better word) bong designs.

    Any thoughts?
  2. Honestly bro I've hit my tubes flat and on an angle. It doesn't matter as long as the water level is correct.
  3. With percs you dont need to have the downstem tilted right. You get the diffusion from the percs and you want them straight up and down. THe downstem diffuses fine when its straight.
  4. Yeah, as long as the water is above the stem it'll work.

  5. agreed

  6. what this guy said ^
  7. [quote name='"killmockingbird"']Everybody knows that for your diffuser (on the downstem) to work properly, it need to be tilted to make it vertical. However, now more and more bong are also using percolators with multiple arms and such. These should also be straight up and down for the best diffusion. So my question is-
    How is it that you would be able to have BOTH diffuse optimally?
    It seems that glassblowers only solution to this is to make inlines and other atypical(for lack of a better word) bong designs.

    Any thoughts?[/quote]

    Stemless. Also, not all downstems work better vertically. A showerhead or tree one obviously would, but i hate slitted downstems vertically.

    But stemless is the only true answer. Or dont put a damned perc and get a nice ashcatcher.

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