Throwing Up

Discussion in 'General' started by Sobe2022, Oct 7, 2010.

  1. #1 Sobe2022, Oct 7, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 7, 2010
    I don't know if it's me but I find it extremely funny when i see people vomit. Especially when I'm stoned like a mother fucker. Just a few hours ago me and my buddy were extremely stoned and muchin' out and he started to throw up. I started laughing for literally 20 minutes. I was laughing so much to the point where he started to get pissed. I just can't help it when I see this lol. Is anyone else like this?
  2. thats funny, i threw up earlyer today....WAIT A MINUTE!

    nah, i was drunk, tehe.
  3. [ame=]YouTube - Joe Breezy Patron Challenge (as seen on Tosh.0)[/ame]
  4. Am I the only one that thinks puking is not funny? It's kinda disgusting.

    I mean I guess it's slightly funny....but I don't wanna watch...
  5. That site is fucked up haha!
  6. Totally with you on finding it funny...hell, even the sounds make me laugh...I've been with friends and yeah I remember one occasion where we felt really bad as a mate was throwing right the fuck up, and we just stood aside trying to laugh quietly.
    I also find it funny when people *almost* trip over, and when old men get angry.

    True story, this is how funny I find it.
    I gave my friend double edibles, he got sick, burst into my bathroom while I was taking a shit and hurled allover the floor. I'm thankful my shower was nearby...though while it was happening I'm baked off my mind, it can't get any worse, so I'm sitting there taking a shit, laughing at him, he's like "fuck you" and I laughed some more.
    Then had a shower.

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