Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman

Discussion in 'Television/Internet TV/VOD/DVD' started by plaksa5, Jul 29, 2012.

  1. Has anyone watched this show? It's a straight mindblower. The theories scientists come up with to try to explain everything around us amazes me. My favorite episodes:
    "Mysteries of the Subconscious" and "What is nothing"
    If you haven't seen it, I recommend kicking back one night, toking, and letting the show come to you. :bongin:
  2. Love this show.

    The one about life after death is awesome. Same with the one about is the universe alive.
  3. Life after death was another good one, I don't recall ever seeing the universe is alive though. Deff gonna have to watch that soon
  4. ive seen previews for Through the Wormhole and i really want to catch an episode but i have basic cable so it just a channel or two outta reach of my viewing. It looks very interesting though.
  5. You should watch the videos on the YouTube channel 10thdim if you like those kind of shows..he references through the wormhole sometimes as well as theoretical physicists
  6. [quote name='"TinTizzy"']You should watch the videos on the YouTube channel 10thdim if you like those kind of shows..he references through the wormhole sometimes as well as theoretical physicists[/quote]

    Yeah the one where he explains the 10 dimensions is pretty good.

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