I think I have thrips. These little bugs fly around and been eating the plants. Leaving black spots and silver sheen on the leaves. Ive bought some neem oil based bug spray from the hydro store but not sure what else to do.
One good way to repel thrips for those growing outside is to use garlic, this is a good way to keep them away before you get them. The color yellow attracts the thrips and should be advised not to have this color around your grow.. If you already have them using neem oil, and or lady bugs can get rid of them. If the infestation is bad then you need to use biological solution like, pyrethrin-like insecticides. Other Products include: Chemicals Hot Pepper Wax,Safer Yard & Garden Insecticide (which can be used right to the day of harvest),GNATROL( used in hydro in the water as well as soil),Doc's Neem Pest Soap,Safer Sticky Stakes,TR-11000 Pyrethrum.
I bought some garden tech sevin bug killer concentrate at the local hardware store. The hydro store recommended me $80 worth of sprays and pesticides to kill them http://www.gardentech.com/pests_trees.asp according to their site thrips are covered. So im going to give this stuff a try. I figure since this is meant for outdoor I should do a much lower dosage then recommended for my indoor crop?
Give 3 treatments of neem oil 4-5 days apart, when spraying absolutly cover the plant to dripping, including the stem, plant pots, and anything in immediate area. Neem oil alone if used properly should kill at least 90%.