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Three days with 5 g's of White Widow (pics)

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by DeeDomain, Dec 1, 2011.

  1. Some of the best bud i've smoked, and that's saying quite a lot. Rolled three very nice blunts.

    Smelled super fruity, with a mix of pine. You'll take some of the smoothest hits while smoking this.

    Sorry about the picture quality.

    Attached Files:

  2. If I had great bud, I don't think I'd waste it in a blunt.

  3. Neither would I. Except I lost my bubbler 3 weeks ago and have nothing else to smoke it out of.
  4. Enjoy. Just had some AK47xW.W the other day. More W.W than AK, FANTASTIC to say the least.

    I agree with everyone doe, use a pipe bro! Otherwise, i hope thats a Vanilla Dutch =P
  5. ...uhhh blunts a good way to go

  6. Agreed. I find they get you fucked up faster than pieces (however they are much smellier), since smoke covers up your bud as you smoke it, making each hit stronger than the last.
  7. blunts are good for when you're too high to pack another bowl :D
  8. [quote name='"cincinnatiswag"']blunts are good for when you're too high to pack another bowl :D[/quote]

    So true
  9. Dude why you gotta make us look bad with that community college notebook in the background? Lol jk jk
  10. That community college notebook looks a hell of a lot better than an unemployment check....
  11. I'm jealous. I rarely get that strain, one of my favorites if not my number one :smoke:
  12. I'd rather have that unemployment check :D
  13. nicely roled my man
  14. shit, never tried blunts. but it looks really bad ass, like it came out of some hip hop video
  15. [quote name='"Versus1992"']shit, never tried blunts. but it looks really bad ass, like it came out of some hip hop video[/quote]

    Never had a blunt?!!! Go get zigzag wraps now!!!!!! And OP nice blunts. Enjoy!
  16. Or real blunts like white owls and shit? :)

    Not much of a blunt smoker, but when I am, I get baked as fuck :smoke:

  17. Right after i finish this pot brownie im eating..
  18. Pot is bad for you.
  19. I cant smoke blunts...Im not black! :laughing::bolt:

  20. cause it gives me the munchies man

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