Never bought seeds online before and stumbled upon True North Seed Bank. Does anyone have any experience with them? Whats the success rate of seeds actually showing up to your door? Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
1 out of 1 so far and was pretty fast around 8 days so will be using them again Sent from my Z833 using Tapatalk
I like canuk and true north but is faster and cheaper. Period. Hands down. All the strains as tn plus more, more breeders, much more user friendly website and way more freebies! Check them out too.
Ordered 5 NYC diesel fem auto and got a free white widow auto fem from true north a few months ago Shipping took average time to arrive. Easy and painless. I would order from them again. Here are my plants from them. 7 weeks tomm Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk
Forsure bro ima have to check them out. Thanks for the input! Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Looks like a good grow. Are those galaxy hydro lights? Seem like theyre workin pretty good for you. I otta buy me some lights soon. And thanks for the reply bro! Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
2 Mars hydro300 and some other brand 600w eq. I forget the game but Amazon had em Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk
You can go on the Seedsman and order from True North and mostly get a few Femmed or auto freebies. Btw: there showing up at your door they have stealth shipping. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
I got em in about 2wks after ordering and they were delivered as art supplies. On top of all seeds germinating
Got burned just call theyre supposed number and see if someone responds... First you're caller 3 then you're 11.. Scam man Sent from my LM-X210(G) using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Ordered from true north wensday hoping they would arrive quicker since they are closer to me but they are still processing my order. Placed a order from nirvana on friday as a backup and it shipped saturday. So it will proablly arrive before true north from half way around the would by the looks of it. Will update if they ever ship.
The thing about ordering from seedbanks is quality. For me im big on genetics so Canuk through True North is a no brainer. I've tried all types of breeders... Some are fast shipping some stealthy but only one will provide TOP NOTCHED GENETICS EVERY TIME and that's Canuk. Trust me they are worth the money and the wait.
I sent a email a week after it being processed asking about a refund and it shipped the next day so il update when they land im not questioning their genetic quality its the fact they have stuff that says in stock but it takes 7 days to process and ship seems a little off to me if you sell seeds as a business and have them in stock should it take 7 days to package and ship them i wouldnt think so.
I used seedstockers. Shipped from Spain to Canada no issues Sent from my SM-G955W using Grasscity Forum mobile app