Thoughts on life..

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Deleted member 469440, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. I mean fuck. All I want is to be able to live my life. If I had a shelter over my head, a little extra money in my pocket, and some weed to smoke I would be happy with life. Fuck money it's nothing, all it is, is paper that is said to have a given value. The other day I bought some food and thought, "I just traded some paper for something to keep me alive." Why? lol

    We are the only sentient being known to exist thus far, and we would prolly look fucking insane to any other form of intelligent life. We are constantly at war for one reason or another, meanwhile the world's going to shit. It's sad because I'll joke about how the world will probably end by the time I'm that old.. whether nuclear war, disease, etc.. but I just feel that it's true.

    Humans can accomplish great things, even if alot of the planet is divided. If everyone worked together to advance the human race instead of kill each other over greed, religion, oil, and so on, then we could achieve unimaginable things. I mean fuck billions are spent on weapons and bombs, those same billions could be spent on food for the hungry, vaccines, technology, anything productive really.

    What are we as humans anyway? Whether sober or not I often question this lol. We're here, then when our time comes, we die. Is there a set date for you to die? who knows. Once you're dead others can only speculate on what is, not what could be. We won't know what comes after death until we die ourselves, if there's nothing, we will never know.

    Just think about everything you read in the history books, there's a small number of people you actually know about when comparing it to the billions that are never mentioned. Those that weren't mentioned still lived their lives, maybe thinking about the same tings I am now.

    I'm not even what my point is here lol I hope you enjoyed this.

    Share some thoughts :smoke:
  2. We have been shown to have a circadian clock (biological life clock) that actually ticks to zero before you die. Of course it can be circumvented altogether if you are killed before hand.

    Joe Rogan believes we are an advanced bacteria, whose job it is to live off the earth.

    I believe we can live off it without harming it too much (like we do today).

    I believe existence is an inevitable act, and coming to the point we are now is just as inevitable. I know since all the elements that make up the earth and us are traceable back to stars that we are ultimately one and the same, and should treat each other as such. I believe without a consciously aware species in the Universe, that there would be nothing to experience the cosmos and life itself. Without us the Universe would never know what it actually is, because we are the Universe, and I am enormously astounded in that fact.

    Knowing and believing these things leads me to assert that our overall purpose is to seek knowledge and experience things.
  3. There's a thread like this every day I feel, but...

    It is funny to trade paper money for life sources. It's funny that humans pay money for water. It's funny that humans will spend money to fuck themselves up. Life is funny.

  4. I have talked with others on money. I don't think it is so wrong to buy things with money, I think it is wrong that not everyone has an equal opportunity to get large sums of money. People will literally never get to experience things that others do just because of where they are born. That is something I find disturbing.

    I also find it disturbing that right now, people think being stupid is cool. They follow people known as celebrities that were mostly born into the position they are in life.

    No one wants to really accomplish something grand, in the scheme of life. They have arbitrary goals and dreams, one of which is to accumulate lots of money, which really has no value as soon as someone starts to reject it.
  5. Money is essential for beneficial social trading and interaction. Like if you produced only apples on your apple orchard and you wanted some peaches from the peach guy, but the peach guy doesnt like apples. So the only trading good you have wont work to get you peaches. But money is a common good that can be traded for anything so you can sell your apples and buy peaches.

    Obviously this doesnt just pertain to apples and peaches it was just an example.

    Basically money itself in paper form is meaningless but the meaning we attach to it benefits the whole community.

    Although that doesnt stop it from being abused and horded and what not.
  6. Yes, paper (or in our case, cotton-fibre) money is just a convenience. Remember, it wasn't that long ago that you had to carry your gold with you. Bloody heavy!

    The problem lies when we start seeing money as a commodity in itself - trading it, gambling it, stealing it, hoarding it, etc.
  7. On the subject of the meaning we put on money ...essentially it's strong indicator of the quality of environment. More money more luxury. And well to your point, i agree with it being a bar that some can reach with less difficulty due to predetermined circumstances.

    Well here is a definition of progress according to

    Progress is the movement towards a goal or to a further or higher stage. I've tried to focus on this meaning and change how i view myself - first things first- and what it really means when we say something has changed. This can be a major paradigm shift once you've understood that. Because life isn't change. Change implies a preference.

    Couldn't we say, change is for the better and for the worst? But life does not answer to anyone, you know? No one decides their death nor when their life begins. Life can be progress towards a goal and i think we are just along to experience to this end.
  8. #8 esseff, Aug 10, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2012
    Suicides do. It is also possible to reach a level of consciousness where you can literally 'choose' when it's time to leave the body.

    Also not true. For many, life doesn't really begin until they reach a certain level of consciousness. I won't go into what may be possible 'before' the spirit incarnates.
  9. On the topic of money.. Are we to a point in society where it's impossible to love without it?

  10. No but usually yes. So much of modern day sexual attraction is about clothes and even other nice things.
  11. Love or Live without it?
  12. [quote name='esseff']Suicides do. It is also possible to reach a level of consciousness where you can literally 'choose' when it's time to leave the body.

    Death by suicide then is a choice of taking away the right to live the rest of your life naturally. What i think it means is that its a heavy toll to pay in the scheme of things. We don't have that right imo. Thats the reason behind what i said, i came from the thought that we cannot make that choice, so its rather not up to us to contemplate. But suicides occur mostly in the "advanced societies" which makes me wonder why is it that in a liberate society we have so many lost .
  13. I meant live lol on my ipod -_-

  14. It's not feasible in a scarcity economics system. If we were to have a purely resource economy I am sure it could get by without standard currency.
  15. Life is an incredible thing. I believe the majority either knows this and become distracted or it never comes to mind because they always have been distracted.

    It all goes back to when we were children. Not a care in the world, and all the possibilities were endless. "life" happens and we conform but the truth is, that isn't LIFE at all..

    We are capable of infinite possibilities. If we can think it. We can do it, one way or another. Here we are able to feel love, joy, compassion and all the other emotions, positive and negative. We able to learn new things and have amazing experiences. We are able to connect with others, making memories that last forever. That's LIFE.

    With all of these incredible things, most of us never Live at all because we become distracted. I like to point the finger just as everyone else does, but the truth is WE as a whole are the ones who are keeping us in this wacked out society that has been created.. Yes, there are powers who have/are corrupted the systems, but WE keep it running... Once we stop turning the wheels it crashes.

    We are in a transition. People are waking up to what we are capable of. And it all starts with the self. That real change comes from within. Once we figure this out we can take our power as the majority and use it to our advantage. Creating a world that is peaceful, sustainable and sufficient.

    I know its hard to stay on what's good with all the bad around us punching us in our eye. I struggle with it too but it is possible. We have free will, and we create our own reality and what life we live.

    Viva the Consciousness Revolution!:cool:
  16. Lifes an optical illusion... Just like other optical illusions...

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