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Thoughts on Coughing while smoking?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by WakeNBak3, Jun 3, 2009.

  1. ok there is theis great debate between me and two of my friends. me and my friend think that if you cough you increase your high and such. my other friend thinks it has no affect and thinks were pussies. thoughts and comments on coughing. thanks
  2. I'm pretty sure coughing doesn't really increase your high, it just speeds up the absorption rate of thc into you lungs. So coughing makes you get high faster, not so much as HIGHER.
  3. idk man i never cough but coughing dosent get you more high but it does mean u took the biggest hit u could so i guess ur gettin as high as u can?
  4. Not sure if this is true or not.

    Don't force yourself to cough though, that's a little stupid.
  5. coughing doesn't make you higher

    thats just an excuse some guy made up cause he cant handle smoke

    also if you cough your not a just fucking inhaled a burning plant
  6. I cough when I need to. That's about the only time it's needed and only time it's useful.
  7. i hate people that think there hardasses because they don't cough. IMO if you aren't coughing you aren't taking a big enough hit :smoking::smoking:
  8. some people just have really fucked up lungs and dont feel anything though:hello:
  9. The size of the hit doesn't mean much. Some people just don't cough, others cough after each hit. Who cares? You're smoking, we weren't born to have smoke in our lungs.
  10. It doesn't make you higher, it's just a part of smoking weed. I cough all the time when I'm smoking.
  11. I hate when I post up somewhere descrete really quick with someone then they take a hit and cough their lungs out, I just want to put the shit away and go find somewhere else to smoke because it gives it away
  12. I dont brag but my tolerence to not cough has def increased over the past year. I used to cough on almost EVERY SINGLE HIT. It pissed me off. No matter wut i coughed. A year later, I can chief a blunt and take as big as hits as i like and never cough until i get down to the end where it gets hot. I do occasionally cough after like the 4th or so hit our of a pipe or bubbler
  13. ...Some people cough and some people don't. Nothing to do with how much they smoke, or how big of a hit they took, or how high they are. I know kids who've smoked for years and they still cough on average sized hits. I know first-timers who take huge rips and don't cough at all. It's all on the person and how their bodys react to the smoke entering. And it definately DOESN'T increase your high if you doesn't do anything.
  14. I think OSG said that when you cough your lungs already stopped absorbing THC a while ago.

  15. i dont believe this for a second... some people cough on the first rip...
  16. Im still an apprentice toker but when im smoking with someone and they take the biggest hit possible to cause them to cough it kinda blows my high its not enjoyable for me to cough my lungs out uncontrolably
  17. Not for the whole session if thats what you thought? Just for a bit. And only stating what I remember reading.

  18. I think he meant it like once you cough, your lungs aren't absorbing any thc. Once you stop, it resumes. Thats what I think he means, I don't know how true the statement itself is, but it seems pretty plausible.
  19. During a session I might cough once or twice if I take a huge rip. But I know people who cough a lot more. It just depends on the person. Coughing is part of smoking weed, some do it..some don't.
  20. coughing doesn't really make you higher, i cough when i have to cough, but my mom did say "You have to cough to get off" so i guess its still up to you...

    Heres an idea, try smoking and not coughing if you can help it, then try smoking and coughing even if you only have to a little bit....

    you will realize either way your stoned =)

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