Thoughts on buying used or refurbished cameras?

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by KeepinItLit, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Just post a quick opinion and a reason for why you like or dislike used or refurbished cameras! I was just thinking about getting one used or refurbished to save some money.
  2. If it's got a warranty, it's got a warranty. Abe's of Maine is a reputable online source for low priced, refurbished cameras. Best of luck.
  3. Depends.

    If its oldschool stuff you have to buy used, and I love oldschool cameras.

    If you want to buy used camera 'things' then go to, they hook it up fat and are extremely respectable....
  4. just make sure the shot count isn't too high. You don't want one thats been through 2 or 3 people.
  5. I was looking on and found a Nikon D3000 body only for 300$. Like new condition, is that a good deal? And any idea what kind of lens I should start out with? Since I am just only getting a body.
  6. im a video guy but as far as video cameras refurbished cams are a okay in my book. have at it dude if its been cleaned and whatnot internally then its fair game and its so worth it to save money on something that will break or wear down in time anyways.
  7. I'm not familiar with Nikon cameras, but anything that is published/verified by KEH at a certain condition (like new, new, exceptional, bargain) is going to be at exactly the quality they appraise it at.

    If that seems like a good deal then go for it.

    I'd look around at a lot of third-party lenses before you make your choice, but anything at 17-55 is a good starting point (you probably want a zoom). I'd probably choose a beginning lens that can shoot wide and has a moderate zoom (the long end could be anywhere from 50mm to 200mm).

    Of course, lens choice does relate to what/when/how you are going to be making pictures...
  8. This. If you can email whoever is selling the camera and have them check if they're not sure it would be a good idea. A quick kind of good follow list:
    Entry level cameras - shutter count below 10,000 = Good
    Mid Level cameras - Shutter count below 20,000 = Good (even better when they're under 10k)
    Professional cameras - Shutter count below 20,000 = Good.

    B&H has some refurb and used cameras on their site. They're a little spendy though.
    KEH (Which was mentioned) is also a great place for old and new cameras alike
    Craigslist isn't a bad option, but most people think they have something better than they really do and want top dollar for used products...

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