thoughts on being a web developer for a career

Discussion in 'General' started by aznno0odles, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. what are your thoughts?i keep getting talked down for wanting to go in this field but i got these ideas, mannnnn
  2. Pay is prolly shit

  3. but y? i got these ideas man
  4. if you jumped on the band wagon about 10 years ago, i would say go for it & you would make shit tons of money.

    that ship has sailed.

    its like moving to cali to grow, good luck
  5. Try and go for online advertising, if that interests you. That field is growing at an unreal rate. My fraternity brother's dad is in that field and he makes hella bank.
  6. #6 aznno0odles, Aug 7, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2012
    well that kinda sucks..but then again 10 years ago to now there has been alot of stuff that makes the old cats out of date.

    its either this or go train to go to boeing and im not trying to work a 9-5 for everrr

    u the fuckin man! thats basically what im goin for holmes. its a risky field i would say but i dont want to regret not tryin it.been wanting to do it for awhile but yeah. thank for not pissing on my parade like ^^^
  7. my friend does that, but he's been doing it professionally for a few years. Works for a company as a full time job and does freelance on the side. It's a very competitive market.
  8. it is but i feel like everything is competitive now adays. theres many different things im gonna learn while goin to school for web including android,photo shop, java.yadayada . basically i feel like i got to go hard in the paint and be better than the next the shit is always updating so the old farts gotta keep up
  9. im basically the next upcoming bill gates yo.
  10. 15 years too late
  11. [quote name='"aznno0odles"']

    it is but i feel like everything is competitive now adays. theres many different things im gonna learn while goin to school for web including android,photo shop, java.yadayada . basically i feel like i got to go hard in the paint and be better than the next the shit is always updating so the old farts gotta keep up[/quote]

    Man I feel like you have ambition bro. And if you feel as if you have ideqs go for it man, if It makes you happy. Awesome. I belive in you bro, just try hard, make samples then show them business.
  12. Because everyone can do it. Including me.
  13. Yeah dreamweaver makes it so any joe shmo can do it.. still if it is what you like to do then go for it! Don't let people squash your dreams, as long as it makes you happy.

    I work in IT and I love it, network administration though.

    Do what makes you happy...
  14. #14 teSmp, Aug 7, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2012
    Why not to to school for computer science? I am a junior majoring in CS.. You will make stuff for the web not really making websites but still coding.. The pay is far from shitty and way underemployed as is any engineering major.

    What I'm really trying to get at is why limit yourself just to the web.. There's still plenty of jobs left in the CS field.
  15. thaaaaaaaaaanks guuuuys

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