Thoughts about Mormons?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by messwervy, Jan 27, 2013.

  1. I grew up a Mormon from Utah but now am inactive and not really in any religion. I still live in Utah in a town where hardly anyone smokes and it's awful.

    Anyways back to the point, I've heard a lot of misconceptions and weird shit about Mormons, to the extent where some people actually believe they have tails and other things like that.

    I'm just wondering what people think about Mormons in general, how you were raised to think about mormons, and other weird stuff you have heard about them.

    P.S most of them actually are not polygamists haha
  2. I have a great deal of respect for Nauvoo Mormonism, pre-Joseph Smith's death. I think once Brigham Young took the reins the beautiful doctrines that Joseph built up began to fall apart, ending in the LDS church of today that is really nothing more than Protestant Christianity with some weird rituals and clothing.

    I don't respect the LDS church of today one bit. I think it is an incredibly dangerous organization. I think for claiming to be the "Lord's church" they do an awful lot to keep people down, and spend the billions upon billions they get in tithing every year on building malls and more temples instead of doing what Jesus said to do and help the needy.

    Most Mormons are great people. Some are the most disgusting human beings I've ever met.
  3. I think its sad that they shelter there children from the real world
  4. Like Romney?

  5. Eh, Romney isn't too bad, Mormon wise, IMO.

    My sister-in-law's mother, though, is the epitome of everything that is wrong with Mormonism. She's judgmental about everything and everybody, she regularly spies on her fellow ward members and reports shit about them to her home teachers, who then go back and tell the Bishop. She has disowned children for drinking caffeine, she thinks my sister-in-law should do nothing other than sit at home pregnant 365 days of the year, and has said on numerous occasions that if my brother doesn't convert she'll find a way to break up his and her daughter's marriage.

    She's just a really nasty person to be around.
  6. Might have just been Romny and the few others I've meet but their stand on cannabis medical or otherwise is less than open minded.
  7. Mormons have great morals but they take to a whole different level in which they believe in some really crazy shit. There view on cannabis is not fair and not very rational. They believe the garden of Eden is in Missouri for Christ sakes. Mormonism is a relatively new religion (about 150 years old) and is man made theories and twisting what Christianity has already established. Mormons are good people but there religion is just making people dumber by the day. I mean come on. Do you really think the u.s would ever elect a Mormon? The only reason he was a candidate was to get people to think "hmm maybe america has a chance of being runned by a Mormon" the u.s would never let a Mormon run this country. Washington is runned by Freemasons, skull & bones, ect.. Supposedly secret societies but not so secret anymore. Btw most people don't want to realize this but the American voters are not the ones who control on who's going to be president, because if that was so then Romney would be president right now. Only 15% of the American population are blacks and 12% are of an hispanics\asians ect... But all in all Romney blew it anyways with his horrible debates and completely made a fool of himself. Don't believe everything you hear on CNN and FOX btw. The media lies to the public and that isnt going to change.
  8. Do mormons not use modern medicine?

    Arn't they against all drugs of any kind or something like that?
  9. considering I have native american ancestry, fuck mormonism..

    Racist shit.
  10. wish they would stop bugging people ...other than that, they are cool
  11. What about their views on the natives is racist?
  12. They think dark skin is a curse from God.

    Atleast thats exactly what the book of mormon says anyway.....

    I dunno mabye its a metaphor or something..... :rolleyes:
  13. They no longer believe or teach this
  14. That makes them even less believable if they can just edit out anything they want from a supposedly "holy text" that was the word of god or whatever prophet they want to claim.
  15. Politics. That verse you refer to was changed during Joseph Smith's days (the dude who wrote the Book of Mormon) to say that after people become born again they become "pure and delightsome" rather than "white and delightsome" particularly because of the racist undertones. It was changed back after his death.

    Of course that doesn't change much in people's minds, but I know a vast amount about early Mormon history and theology and I'm just sharing my knowledge.
  16. Doesn't the book of mormon also say Adam and Eve lived in Montana or something like that?
  17. Nah that was a later development. The Book of Mormon really isn't that weird. It's basically the Bible in condensed form. Smith plagiarized a lot of the Bible for the BoM.

    The more distinctive Mormon ideas can't be found in the BoM at all. They're later developments.

    Smith claimed the Garden of Eden is in Jackson County, Missouri.
  18. Sounds legit

    I've read parts of it. Didn't they try to pass it off as the native americans encountering jesus or something like that?
  19. That's the gist of it. The Native Americans were Christians before Christ even existed and met Jesus between the time he died and went to heaven.

    There's some really beautiful stuff in the book. But it is definitely riddled with historical inaccuracies and anachronisms.
  20. Yeah they use Medicine, and can even be convinced to use medical cannabis in pill form, but if they are aware of a synthetic version then there is not chances at all.

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