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Thought of something Interesting

Discussion in 'General' started by Naes, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. The reason you feel different ways about yourself is because if someone continues to tell you something repeatedly eventually you will believe it, whether its something about you that your doing it can cause you to actually do that thing more. Example like a habbit. Don't pop your pimples don't pick at your face. Being told that stuff can cause you to actually do that thing “that normally would have passed by after a while”, but instead it became a habit because of being hassled about it for a longer period of time then its passing point.. Other people taunting you ABOUT STUFF BEFORE IT BECOMES A BIG DEAL ACTUALLY MAKES IT A BIG DEAL. It wouldn't be a big deal in the first place if people just kept there crude opinions to themselves.
    Things like this can make people very depressed and stressed and anxious I believe.

    Im Experiencing stuff in my life like this that I do not like and I totally see it and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it, because its just what I have always been doing or its who I became.

    If a nerd is called a nerd all his life he WILL BE A NERD, of course that's why people call him that in the first place. Just because that kid did good in the science fair once it made such an impact on his life that he become a geek about science etc. I believe this is the way life works, at all starts from the beginning of people judging each other. Like the thing I noted in the previous paragraph are thinks known as, “disorders and or a Disease” Its all completely in your head. So as soon as you notice someone is calling you something you don't like like a nerd, try and think why and change being the science geek to something else you enjoy more. Its not easy but it can be done.

    Im blazed and had an interesting thought, Tell me what you think? Did I realize something that makes sense or am I just really high and sound like an idiot?:smoking:

  2. It made sense to me, and very true. Shit we are told stays with us longer that we realize...
  3. so find liberation its closer than you think
  4. man i think of some intense ass shit sometimes, must be the mixture of A.D.D and The herb ;D
  5. "every man gotta right to decide his own destiny"
    -Bob Marley

  6. Very well said, thats a wise way of putting it if you think about it. R.I.P Bob
  7. #7 OtherWorldlyGuy, Jan 8, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2013
    I agree with what you said OP, looking back I realize anything I did, someone had something negative to say about it... in, and outside of my family. Constantly being judged and put down led me to become codependent which explains why I had such destructive relationships back in the day.

    Now I follow my own moral compass I no longer listen to all that "programming" I received when I was younger.
  8. Nice ramble rant! I agree, the only person someone should judge is him/herself.
  9. #9 Naes, Jan 8, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2013
    Yeah exactly, like i had a girlfriend and non of my friends really liked her and they kept giving me crap and it ended up making me not like her cuz of that. Which i just realized that yesterday that its kinda effed up and i shouldnt listen to them cuz i was happy with her, so i told her and we are going to get back together :). But thats just one example, i thought of a whole bunch of different things in my life that changed me because of other peoples thoughts and remarks.

    Also its bringing me to believe that if a wide amount of your personality is because of things that other people said or did to change you, that if you neve do anything about it you can have A LOT of issues because of it because everyones opinion about a person is slightly different or completely different. But it doesnt matter anyways cause everyone is different in there own way. I just think being "programmed" by what other people say is not going to create the best personality. Even if its yourself thats telling yourself something that isnt true. eventually it will become true. Its really weird to think about it and there are so many different connections in this subject. Does that make sense? sorry my grammar is not the greatest, i didnt pay much attention in reading and writting class back in gradeschool. :)
  10. Your grammar is fine man don't worry bout it. But, yea dude there are many connections! Like I think that is why the world at large is the way it is. All the negativity, all the addictions, etc. This could be because people at large don't know how to separate there own *personal truth from society's truth or whoever's in there circle's truth. Just a thought...

    The brain is a crazy thing if you don't know how to handle it. I love it though.
  11. Yeah exactly, the weird thing is i only think like this when i get reaaal high :rolleyes:. I feel kinda stupid when im sober cuz its so hard to wrap my brain around all of it. I can like hyper focus on things after i smoke a fat bowl tho :smoking:

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