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thought i was fucked...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by CanadaGuy, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. last night around 11 i went to my dealers place and picked up a quarter. (his parents dont know he deals). me, the idiot locked my car keys in my car. out of habit because everytime i leave the car i lock the doors with the switch on the door. i call a towing company, they say the waiting time is 30mins. at the time i thought I would be fine ( the temp was -13 degrees celsius, i ended up being outside for an hour, sucked so much). a man comes out of his house by the place i was parked, because i had parked down the street from my dealer, and asked if i was alright, i said yes, then he asked if i was drinking, i said no-i was completely sober at the time. 45 mins later the cops come by because that guy called them. they ask whats up, i say that i was out for a drive and that i had to clean some ice of the tires-complete bullshit. the cops then ask if i wanted to sit in the back where it is warm, of course i went for it because i was cold as fuck. and one of them said i had to search me for weapons, i am thinking holy fuck i got a quarter o in my pocket in a big blue freezer ziplock bag. i say i got my cell and ipod, he then reaches inside the pocket with the weed and ipod and pulls out thankfully just the ipod and checks it out, he gives it back and lets me in. 5 min later the tow truck comes, meanwhile the cops are being dicks to me in the car, i go to pay and the driver doesnt have a visa machine so he drives me to a bank close by and get the cash, we get to talking and he hates cops and smokes weed, so i tell him i have a bong and picked up a quarter. we get back to the car, cops still there, even though they said they werent staying because i wanted to leave my car running to warm up and they wouldnt let that. when i leave the cops follow me until i pull into a gas station, and i meet up with the tow truck driver and smoke a bowl, turns out he just moved and that was his first toke in a while.

    Long story, but i think it is worth the read.
  2. Wow thats crazy, both parts of the story are. I almost got busted the other day but I cant belive he reached into the pocket with bud you must have freaked.
  3. i just about shit myself when he did
  4. Thats pretty lucky. I know how it is bro, i got drunk at school, passed out in class. I finished the rest of my liquor, so theres no evidence. And they didnt even search me or give me a sobriety test. I just said i had a migrane and went home. I honestly dont know how i pulled it off, i just got really lucky i guess. But, the next time i got really drunk at school, i passed out in the bathroom and ended up having to go to a hospital and shit.
  5. What a nice guy. That was real cool of you to smoke that guy out when he is new in town.

  6. That is why I smoke weed and don't drink anymore
  7. Yup, i havent gotten drunk since that second time. I belive that was back in september.
  8. 1253748724-Cool_story_bro_inc.jpg

    Edit: plus rep for being nice and smoking up the driver.
  9. I would've just hung out with my dealer. Its always fun to smoke with a stranger though, good call :)
  10. that is a wicked story to be honest.. wow.. it was a good read

  11. Lol one time my mom found a joint of mine and picked it up without knowing what it was. I told her it was an index card, took it out of her hands, and ran out of the room where she found it in.
  12. Why the fuck would you get drunk at school?

  13. Why wouldn't you get drunk at school?
  14. getting drunk at school is the dumbest thing i have ever heard, especially if you are drunk enough that you pass out at your desk
  15. because it's retarded
  16. Hm, In America a cop cannot search you without probable cause. A frisk is where they can check you for weapons. A frisk is simply patting you down without reaching into your pockets. This can be done at anytime. But honestly, if they had found the weed and you didn't consent to anything besides a frisking for weapons the charges wouldn't hold up due to an illegal search. :)
  17. Some kid put vodka in his water bottle at school once... Of course they didn't check it, because it looked like water. Needless to say he was a little bit "out of it".
  18. #18 RedSmiley, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2011

    OP; Your pretty damn lucky that cop wasn't very thorough.
  19. I would have SHAT bricks the thought when you remember you had a fat bag of weed in your pocket.
  20. Me and my buddy got drunk before our 3 hour english lecture once :smoke::smoke: HARDCORE MAN

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