Thought Experiment

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Ninja20p, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. Using just science, why are Unicorns white?

    Been racking my brain for an hour.
  2. within the mythos the unicorn comes from it is a symbol of chastity ...a symbol of virginity.... as in these myths it is usually only the virgin which can touch the unicorn...

    science has nothing to go on except the myths the beast came from....

    hence they are white for the same reason a brides dress it white.....
    it is a symbol ...nothing more
  3. because there is no pigments on the fur or the pigments reflect all the wavelengths in the visible spectrum.
  4. Not enough sun exposure.

  5. actually ...its amelanistic.....

    Amelanism (also known as amelanosis) is a pigmentation abnormality characterized by the lack of pigments called melanins, commonly associated with a genetic loss of tyrosinase function. Amelanism can affect fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals including humans. The appearance of an amelanistic animal depends on the remaining non-melanin pigments. The opposite of amelanism is melanism, an overabundance of melanin
  6. Since they don't exist, they can be any color you want. :smoke:

  7. Quite the problem solving you have going there, I applaud you.

    This is more in tune for what I was looking for. In order to discuss the Unicorn we must first assume they exist. We can debate them for a while but in the end we reach the conclusion that things are being assumed. Science doesn't assume anything exists, it proves things piece by piece.

    This thought experiment is aimed at those who use the cop out; I believe God is a natural process that Science fails to explain as of yet. It's a cop out because Science doesn't fail anything at all, the person saying this is failing science itself. Science doesn't assume the existence of Deities and no one should claim that it proves it or fails to prove it.

    Thoughts? Ideas?
  8. Science is restricted by its own rules... and so sticks to the facts...
    Our reality is restricted only by our imagination...
    Science does not claim to know all...
    It sticks to what can be proven or disproven...
    There is no evidence for science to examine in the case of these deities... only the mythos from which they have been passed down...... this word of mouth tail telling is enough to form hypothesis...yes...
    But it still leaves us no facts to test... no proof for ither side...
  9. because god

  10. no i meant this
    Anemia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  11. Had indigestion?

    I failed English class....and even i know those two words are not what is considered a complete thought....
    So at least give us what comes next in your mind....even if those who preach those two words generally fail to elaborate....
  12. lol! :D
  13. That's the strange thing about thought experiments like this. You could say what's the point?
    I suppose it might fill up some time to consider something that has no relevance, unless this is also the Biology forum in which case understanding pigmentation or the lack of would be useful to someone.

    Meanwhile, while we're using our cognitive energy this way, almost feels like a waste when it could be put to far greater use considering something of a more real nature.

    I suppose it's just like any idea, thought form, construct, that we might use to get the old juices flowing. So one might say that it's not the idea that matters, it's the mind that is capable of exploring it. Doing so on a regular basis might just open things up so that something with real insight might come out of it.

    Just might not be this thread though. ;)

  14. on occasion a bit of nonsense is just what we need to help us take a step back for a moment... to look away from all the seriousness trying to pull us in...
    At times nothing seems more a waste than "more serious things" all seems a waste....
    Sometimes...there is nothing better than tossing it all aside for a moment to consider....some shit of absolutely no "real" value.... such as the conditions leading to the most popular pigmnation of completely fictional creatures.... and i have spent much time discussing the lives and events of individuals who reside only in my head.... how different is discussing the angles and demons who live in my world...what they want...what they offer....where they come from.... we make hypothesis....but do not know for sure...have no solid data to test....

    So what if there are better ways to wast our energy....
    so what if the pigmentaion of mythical one horn mule reminds me of how no matter how many guesses i matter how educated they are.... i will never know....
    there will be no reconciliation...

    I stand upon the edge of the void....
    The only way to go is down...
    And so down i go....
    Riding the white beast onward....pushing it for all it is worth....
    Both of us now soaked in sweat.... dripping with life....plunging on toward certain destruction we run headlong filled with glee.... determined to set this world on fire before we...this mythical beast and i burn dry....
    And once i have used up this manic burst.... i will find myself alone i have always been.... abandoned once more by the fictional beasts which are the only company i am worthy of.....

    Perhaps not this thread....
    It has only ever been me holding myself back....
    only ever me....painting the unicorns black....

  15. So i hope you are not implying you dont believe in unicorns?

  16. Only that i rarely give them any thought.
  17. As I said:

    Therefore it matters not what we choose to explore per se, real or otherwise (it's all the same anyway). What matters is how free we're able to be with what it is. How open we're prepared to be in taking ourselves to another place, a new country unexplored or rarely visited.

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