Thomas Jefferson smoking weed

Discussion in 'General' started by Matticus, Feb 13, 2009.

  1. #21 McMuffinMe, Feb 14, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 14, 2009
    If I had a time machine I would go back to Benjamin Franklin and bring a crapload of j's to his house and tell him about the future and he could tell me about the past.

    We'd drink hot cocoa at night, too, in his backyard, which is huge in my mind.
  2. i first saw that quote a week or so ago when i watched this movie called "totally baked" on hulu. it was a stupid, stereotypical "stoner flick" but it had some funny parts. the ceo of funions brings in some big time marketing consultant because sales have been down. the marketing guy suggests they work on getting weed legalized to improve sales. to build support he tries getting parents in the bible belt to think that weed will help "protect their kids from homosexuality". sounded like a good idea to me.

  3. the modern ones too (clinton, bush, obama)

  4. Do you have a source for this? I'm not questioning the truth of them, but I would love to be able to share this with some of my anti-pot friends :cool:

    Also what's the source for the quote in the OP?
  5. no sources?
  6. ^ I wouldn't say that Lincoln quote can definitely be attributed to him; there's no reliable source for the claim.

    says "rumor is that a quote by Lincoln appeared on a Hohner harmonica box saying that he smoked "hemp cigarettes". There is no evidence to support this and we believe the rumor to be false."

    Some sources say the quote came from a letter to Hohner, some say it was on a harmonica box... but no real evidence to back it up.

    this discusses the veracity of the quote a bit. take it with a grain of salt.
  7. Abraham Lincoln didn't smoke weed. I wish he did because he's my favorite president, but he abstained from any mind-altering substances (extremely rare in the political climate of his time). He would not even smoke cigars with his contemporaries.

  8. Lincoln was a tyrant who completely disregarded the Constitution and civil liberties. He's responsible for 650,000 deaths by starting the Civil War.

    Of course, they don't teach that in public school.
  9. A Howard Zinn fan I assume (I'm a big Zinn fan - RIP)? I understand where you're coming from, but we also have the benefit of hindsight. I believe Lincoln handled a shitty situation better than any of his contemporaries could have. Also, he did not start the Civil War, it was started by the secession of the Confederacy and their refusal to recognize the Federal Governments authority. Lincoln had no interest in going to war with the South, which is why he was willing to take a softer stance on slavery than some other Republicans but the south was going to secede no matter what if a Republican was elected in the 1864 election.
  10. Ive had this quote in my sig for some time now.


  11. No, hardly. Zinn and I are quite opposites politically.

    States have every right to secede from Union, the Constitution was a voluntary contract the states entered into.
  12. Our founding father's would be so disappointed in us
  13. Jefferson most likely did smoke hemp (different from weed) but not to get high as hemp contains almost no THC.

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