This Won't Help Our Cause

Discussion in 'General' started by ISmokeRock, Sep 19, 2008.

  1. I just read this article police blotter in the local newspaper, Crawford County, PA about this 28 year old woman who was high on marijuana and fell asleep and rolled over on her infant child and killed him. So I guess she had her little baby sleeping next to her after she toked up and didn't hear/feel him under her when she rolled over in her sleep. She is in jail for involuntary manslaughter now.

    This will probably not be picked up by major news sources but I'm sure shit like this and stupid people like this is why it won't be legalized. Every time I hear about stupid people like this it makes my blood boil because they have to add that they were high on marijuana.

    Not to mention at my university school paper they post all the university police activity and one of them is about an 18 year old kid who got caught smoking in the dorms. Apparently the Residence Life staff called the university police when they smelled marijuana smoke and they traced it to this kid's room. He denied smoking in the room, but consented to a room search and they found his stash and his makeshift soda can pipe. Most likely it was some stupid freshman who didn't know that smoking in the dorms is the worst idea ever, not to mention that he was probably high as fuck and allowed them to search like a dumbass.

    God damn stupid people.
  2. Wow. That shit is pretty ridiculous. I doubt she would have heard her baby even if she was sober. I slept in the same bed with my boy and nursed him to sleep when he was a baby and I'm sure there were nights that I went to bed pretty high. I never rolled over on him, though. I always knew instinctively where he was. Which is pretty amazing, actually, since I roll around and kick people in my sleep.
  3. I actually knew a couple who were high as fuck, had their baby in between them on the bed. They passed out, and the babys head got under the headboard and he suffocated. Shits fucked mane, but it happens.
  4. People make mistakes

    Sadly sometimes its a very tragic mistake but still an accident
  5. Im confused, are you blaming the media, or the woman???? I wonder if the media would jump on this story if she would have been on some Tylenol PM.

  6. damn right

    can't be trusted
  7. This happens when people are sober...:rolleyes:
  8. I think they jump on it even if she wasn't on drugs.
  9. Sadly this woman happened to be stoned. . .

    but marijuana did nothing to contribute to her already seemingly reckless personality.

    If the average person cant notice that. . .
    i hope they dont vote or anything

  10. What was reckless about it? I have done the same thing as her, only difference my son is still alive. But I have slept in the same bed with him since he was a newborn (not every night, but still a hell of a lot) and I'm sure I was high at least 20% of those times.
  11. I seen it on the local news.

    It wasnt Marijuana that coused the baby to die.It was irresponsiblity,she should have put the baby in the crib before smoking Marijuana.

    Anyone who blames Marijuana for this is childish and inmature.

    The local new's here tried to make it sound as if Marijuana was the couse of the Babies death.
  12. It's true, but unfortunately there are plenty of people who are just looking for excuses to keep weed illegal and eat this shit up.

    I personally resent this comment. I live on campus and smoke in my dorm all the time, but I'm careful about it and I have never gotten caught.

    Not only do I also know plenty of people who smoke in their dorms, but lots of blades post threads here about it. It's not a bad idea if you're smart about it.

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