This will give you a stoner boner.

Discussion in 'General' started by Cudderisback, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. I feel bad keeping these trippy ass vids to myself..

    [ame=]YouTube - Love & Theft[/ame]

    [ame=]YouTube - SLUGABED - QUANTUM LEAP (official video)[/ame]

    [ame=]YouTube - Flying Lotus + Adult Swim - Zodiac Shit[/ame]

    [ame=]YouTube - Blockhead - The Music Scene[/ame]

    and the trippiest video of all time stoned..
    [ame=]YouTube - BIRDY NAM NAM - THE PARACHUTE ENDING - Video Clip by Willy Sweeney[/ame]

  2. Nice vids bro
  3. Love and Theft was amazing as shit. They should make a movie like that.
  4. Only movie I've seen is blockhead... awesome fucking jam... any idea where I can find a bunch of vids like this... planning on dropping a lot this summer.
  5. bl0wn away dude....+++........first one made me trip. hard. havent even seen the othersb yet

  6. Check out the last vid.. shit had me on a whole nother level :eek:

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