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This weekend pickup

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by GiantAssAnt, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. A friend and I went half on an OZ. This is my share. 14grams of straight up sticky ass dank buds. Enjoy! I know we did :)



    Buds are so sticky and they taste/smell SOOOO good!
  2. Nice dense sensi nuggets how much the zip run you?
  3. We paid 300 for the oz, so $150 each.
  4. great looking when i read GiantAssAnt i pictured a hugeass ant living on/in someones pretty sure that wasn't ur intention with that name haha
  5. Lmao. Nah but that's funny ass hell! I choose this name cause its my AIM screen name from YEARS ago.
  6. ewwwwwww aol haha hacker's wet dream
  7. More hair than a 70's porno.

    Nice pick up.
  8. Looks wet and that looks like maybe a quarter of dried bud in the end crappy pick up dude sorry to hear that was 150$

  9. lmfao there's always that one hater...

    nice pick up though bro so much red hairs i mistaked it for carrot top.
  10. they look a lil wet still...

    could be wrong. other than that, nice!
  11. [quote name='"GiantAssAnt"']A friend and I went half on an OZ. This is my share. 14grams of straight up sticky ass dank buds. Enjoy! I know we did :)

    Buds are so sticky and they taste/smell SOOOO good![/quote]

    nice pick up. :smoke: did you weigh it out to be 14 grams? that second picture, if it has all of your share, does not look like a half.
  12. yea it did weight out to 14 grams. That bag is 2 nugs short from the weekend.

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