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this website is more addictive than weed

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by headie shot, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. guys i think i have a problem, i joined just a few days ago and it seems like im on here a few times a day, way more than i smoke, i dont know what to do! :)
  2. You think you're addicted? My better half cheers and struts around every time the server GC server goes down :hello:

    Apparently, I spend too much time here :rolleyes: :p
  3. Im on here all day erry day this browser stays open on my phone
  4. Hello everyone.
    My name is kannabis,
    and I am a GC fiend
  5. We need a support group.. here at GC.... but somehow, I think that would only make matters worse :)
  6. I hope you never find out what real addiction is like =X
  7. Everybody clap for KannabisKid for admitting his problem.
    Hello everyone, my name is followmycloud and I have an addiction to GC just like all of you here.
  8. Y'all ain't got nothin on me
  9. GC is definately a complementary "addiction". roll another doob, write another post my blades
  10. I think i got all of you beat.
    Im so addicted to GC i wrote a 10 hour code to bypass my schools internet security to get on GC...well...facebook too :)
  11. You could have used a proxy.

  12. wat? lmfao... come to a support group on GC because you are addicted to GC. such a paradox :)
  13. Beats a heroin addiction.:smoke:
  14. Oh I can stop anytime I want.

    After I read this next thread...
  15. not gonna read..just gonna say...fuck yeah...bye
  16. [​IMG]

    oh who am i kidding i sometimes find myself pressing the refresh button multiple times withing the span of a few minutes just to see if anyone replied to my comments :eek:
  17. Gotta have my daily fix of the city, man. I HAVE to!
  18. I am in no way addicted to GC...

    ok maybe just a little... [​IMG]
  19. Holy fuck, I just realized it too!
    Im addicted.
  20. I may or may not be addicted to GC lately. But we've got nothin' on this guy

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