This sucks.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by ptown420, Jan 12, 2010.

  1. This is pretty bogus. It all started when i smoked a bowl before i came to school.After this i went to school and went to the office. I walk in there and ask for a temp i.d. and the lady gives me this weird ass look and tells me to take a seat. So i do and 10 mins. later my administrator just straight comes up to me and smells me. then he asks me if i had been smoking anything this morning and of course i said no. He takes me into his office and tells me that i smell like marijuana and that he believes im in possession of something illegal.Then the school cop walks in and asks me if it's ok if he searches me. I say no and he tells me that because i smell like weed he has the right to search me anyway.So he does and all he comes up with is this knife i bought like 3 days ago. They leave come back and tell me that i have been charged with a felony for possesing the knife and have been issued a 10 day suspension.So i guess ill be getting contacted by the district attorneys office shortley.

    and also they did a sobriety test and i asked them what it said and the dude was like" it says u smell like marijuana" thats it.
  2. wow really?

    ive never had any probs with smelling like weed in school,
    then again at my school i feel safe with a half ounce on me because we dont have a school cop
  3. How is it bogus?

    You smoked and got caught. It was a reckless move on your part and it was compounded by the fact that you were carrying a knife (for some reason). This is what happens when you're careless.
  4. Why the fuck would you carry a knife at school?
  5. how did you reak from one bowl? and why the fuck would you bring a knife to school? imo you were asking for it.
  6. damn bro thats shitty....very very shitty...also your fault

    and the knife thing ?? why did you have it in school in the first place you know they suspend teh fuck out of you even for like a 1 1/2 inch pocket knife...

    if you didnt have the knife you could have probly gotten away scott free...

    "you smell like weed!"
    "i smell like like weed deez nutz i aint got nothing on me so i dont care if i smell like armani or a crackhouse"
  7. Yeah its a horrible idea to bring a knife to school, as for as smoking before school I do it all the time, just spray yourself with some axe, air out, then gurgle some listerine, you'll be fine, and visine if possible
  8. whatever. if i came on here to get bitched out i would of asked for it.Damn. You think i dont fuckin know what your telling me?
  9. then what do want us to say? awwww poor you.

  10. Obviously you didn't know. I have no idea why you would bring a knife to school.
  11. give the kid a break man, you guys never did something not so smart? HA!
  12. guess wat op i bet your not 18......or else you wouldn't have been soo dumb hahahahaha

    jk man that suck
  13. yeah^ i highly doubt op is 18.
  14. Geez, if all your story is, "I'm still in high school and I smoke weed before class, then I go to the admin office smelling like weed with a knife in my pocket and I get suspended for 10 days?!?! WTF" then you probably shouldn't post. Your just asking for it...again apparently..I thought people under 18 were banned from this site? And if you are 18 and you were really that stupid then you deserve every bit of your suspension and charges..
  15. OP is 15 or so, no one older could be that stupid.

  16. word, im sure everyones done something stupid before..

    the knife is tough luck man. hope it works out.

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