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this sucks but you'll laugh

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by CrazyGage, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. alright this dude is selling these "unbreakable" bongs watch and see wat happens

    [ame=""]YouTube- Unbreakable Glass Bong![/ame]
  2. Haha saw it coming, but funny anyway.
  3. Yeah, it didn't have a scratch on all the pieces on the floor.
  4. wow did he really think it was unbreakable.
  5. so did some dude buy this, or is he trying to sell them?

    Either way, he straight threw it on the concrete... wtf did he think would happen?
  6. How the fuck did he think that thing was not gonna break?

    I don't care how high quality your glass is. If you throw it at the floor from over your head it is gonna shatter.
  7. lolololol people are getting scary dumb these days.
  8. it was talking about so i think he was selling

  9. nah he's got a few videos of the same stuff and yet each one is funny as fuck
  10. all they all fake i just saw the one where he smokes savlia and laughed my ass off
  11. HAHAHA I thought it was just the real video and yours broke!! LOL

    Oh and that showed me how to get free screens :D

  12. yea hes just doin it for the lolz, but the website is ok...nothing special
  13. #14 CrazyGage, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010

    ya i checked it out after i saw the video i think grasscity's store is alot better though
  14. wat a dumbass
  15. Yeah ive seen this, its pretty funny lol. Im pretty sure they were just doing it as a joke, cuz who could be that stupid? lol
  16. does anyone know if theyre forreal bout the free pipescreens?
  17. This guy isn't a dumbass. He totally knew that piece was going to break. It was just a brilliant marketing ploy for the company... I mean, who didn't go check out for that 5 free screen deal? Seriously. Give the man some respect, he knows what he's doing
  18. Exactly lol, good acting too! :D

  19. yea WAYYYYY better, but i also think they just started so they have potential

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