This story will make you feel good.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by BazookosCircus, Jul 20, 2008.

  1. Alright, usually I don't take the time to post stories online because I think they're boring/typical, but I think people will enjoy this one. (I hope.)

    I'll give you the setting, 1 A.M. in early July in a city close to Boston, MA. I'm hotboxing my parked car in front of a house that I'm at for a party. At this point, I'm breaking the law in so many ways to be an after school special. Along with the fact that we're smoking weed in a car with the keys in the ignition (though parked), we're all under 21 and maybe have open alcohol in the car. The people in the car also collectively could have held any number of xanax, adderall, and LSD tabs. There was also maybe a scale somewhere. Basically, if my car were to get searched by any law enforcement official, I would have felt a lot worse the next morning than I did.

    Anyway... we're about to finish this bowl when i feel something on the back of my car. I look back and confirm that there is in fact a person sitting on my trunk. We put the bowl away thinking it's probably some drunk kid from inside and all emerge simultaniously unleashing a cloud of smoke from the inside of my car. I look back and hear, "oh sorry I didn't know you were in there I didn't mean to sit on your car like that".

    Now, I'm not someone to start fights. Even if someone is a complete a**hole to me, I'll generally just move on quietly and attribute it to insecurity on their part. I can genuinely find at least some good in most people. I'm even more not an a**hole when the guy sitting on the back of my car is in a cop uniform.

    As soon as we realize the situation, everyone kind of stops and looks at this guy, in a cop uniform, sitting on my car. He goes, "were you guys smoking in there?". Silence, for what feels like a minute but was probably five seconds.

    "Well if you were, it smells pretty good"


    This guy, in his forties, looks like a typical cop, who is giving tickets to people for being non-residents, doesnt do anything on the grounds that "he was young once".


    I'm also a non resident and he says I'm safe from tickets for the night. To make it even more interesting, some drunk kid who I'd never met and will never meet again who was parked behind me got a ticket, so this guy was giving tickets for sure.

    In summary, I avoided a 40 dollar ticket for smoking weed. (I would have got one if we were still inside) There are some good cops.
  2. That's awesome, you lucked out big for sure :cool:
  3. yea man, u did
  4. duuude, i wish every cop was like that, too bad, too bad
  5. i dont trust cops .there all the same
  6. I gotta say that is pretty awesome, made me feel goooood... or maybe thats just the nug :smoke:

    either way, cool story :hello:
  7. thats crazy. I didnt think cops like that existed in MA haha
  8. I live in the South Shore and that is surprising as hell to hear.
  9. I thought cool cops were a myth...

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